The Bond

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One day during training Drago tells me something "Adrian what I am about to tell you is a secret until it has happened," "okay," I reply "There is something called the bond it is a complete bonding between a dragon and a human after this bond the human can be very powerful because you can harness magic not and magic but necromancy the use of any magic element you want fire, water, air, earth, and spiritual magic. Most who harness this are strong people but some get crazed with power they eventually have to be brutally killed by exploding with to much power harnessed or by other people.I am telling you this because it can only happen on a full moon and that is tonight." "I will think about it," I say "good meet me at that hill at midnight if you're ready," Drago says. I walk back to my tent to think about it. If I did I would be able to protect my pack better, but if I over run my limit I will surely blow. I ask my dad he told me it was my choice it would be dangerous but helpful. It was almost midnight and Drago was probably waiting at the hill by now. I still haven't made up my mind. I go up to the hill and asked Drago "what would you of picked if you were me?" " I would pick what my heart says not my brain," "Drago I think I'm not ready for such power," I say "it is fine Adrian not many are ready for for this power," Drago says. I walk off disappointed that I knew i was not ready. I start to think of my future me being the pack leader taking the lives of others in my hand. I have to protect my pack. I walk back up the hill to see Drago staring at the moon and stars. "What are you doing here Adrian? Aren't you going to bed?" Drago says surprised " I have to do this I am going to be pack leader soon," I say " wise choice you are doing this for others," Drago replies. " first climb on my back. OK now put your hands on my head okay," Drago says he says something in dragon tongue. A white light surrounds us and it gets hot. The light changes from white to blue then to violet. Then the light stops and me and Drago are glowing purplish blue. The color drains from our body to where we touch. Now the top of Drago's head is glowing same with my hands then it stops. "The bonding is done. Now you are going to gather the mages so they can teach you how to control these powers and how to make them stronger" Drago demands. I go back to my tent and sleep with no disturbances.

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