How I Got Here

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"Adrian come inside our pack is moving,"my mom says "okay," I reply. I whistle "come on Rex," Rex rushes to my side. Rex is my pet wolf. I live in a pack called the shifters. We are all shape shifters except for the wolves. I never use to live in a pack. I use to live in a village until I took on a dare when I was five. The older boy always called me a baby. They did not know of my power I fact no one except me. I feared being different everyone would of disliked me. No one was different except for the mages that protect the castle and village grounds. One day the older boys told me if I ran to the cave in the woods and shout in it they would put me in the group. Everyone knew the cave was occupied by a bear but it should be hibernating but eagerness took over. I immediately take off running. My mind thinking I will finally be part of the group. I reach the cave and shout,"HELLO!" No growl. Whew the bear wasn't home walking back thinking that was easy I run into the bear coming back home."AAAAAHHHHH" I scream,"RRRRRAAARRRRR" the bear growls. I run back in the direction of the cave this time not stopping at it. I run way past it also past my comfort zone in the woods. I take a sharp turn and find a small crevice big enough for me. I run in and squeeze in. I watch the confused bear walk back in the direction we came. I feel something crawl up my left shoulder so look to my left and see an oversized spider about to take a bite. Horrified I swat it off and run outside I trip on a rock and fall onto the snowy winter ground. I lay there a bunch of emotions going through me like fear, sadness, and loneliness. I was a lost and scared little boy in the big woods. For some reason I was able to sleep and I wake up to a wolf pup yipping and nipping at my ear. Then the mother and father appear from behind a tree. That's when I hear a man calling "Sasha, Lyon come here" the wolves run to the sound. Thinking they were going to attack I moan. Even though it wasn't loud for the man to hear the pup seemed to enjoy it and yipped louder than before. Then the man appears from the bushes with the wolves at his side. He took one glance then quickly ran to my side. He took out a blanket and asked,"what is your name boy?" "A-Adrian" I stutter. "My name Leonardo" he tells me,"and this is Sasha" he points to the white one " this is Lyon" he points to the grayish white one "and this little one was just born and he hasn't been named. Say would you like to name him?" I have always wanted a pet especially a dog. I guess this was close enough. "I will name him Rex" I exclaim " so let it be his name is Rex". We take a long walk through the woods in the direction of my village when Leo gives me an unexpected question "I sense something different but familiar about you are you a shapeshifter?" "No" I reply to quickly. "This is a very important question tell me the truth." I sigh "yes I am"then I say "please don't hurt me!" Leo chuckles "Now why would I hurt you?" "I don't know?" I reply. We get to my village to see a horrible sight. The village was burned no survivors roamed the streets. We see the attackers flying away. They were dragons. Dragons are hostile creatures but they never attack without order of someone. That is when Leo points out the faint outline of a humans on the back of each dragon. I have heard tales of a man named Alexander a cruel and evil dragon rider. Him and his tribe call themselves The Raiders. There are about one hundred and ten of them living in the mountains. People say there are very few women in that group. I quickly run to my hut there I found my parents in the hut dead on the blood soaked floor. My father had a knife protruding out of his stomach with a metal bar in his hand. My mother was weaponless so she must not of fought back. Crying hard Leo appears in the broken doorway and offers "I would be happy to adopt you and let you be part of my tribe""R-R-Really?" I ask in tears "yes little one" he says " Th-Thank you" I reply "Come on let's get going before sun down" he says. I get up from the ground and silently and walk to him. When we get to the woods I ask "what will people think of me?" He replied "they will think your normal everyone is just like you even me," You mean-" "Yes everyone is a shapeshifter. We have a few mages but then all shapeshifters" "cool" I exclaim eagerly. We get to the village and Leo the leader of the tribe announces my presence in the tribe and holds a big ceremony in my honor. From there I attend shapeshifting school and meet my new mother. That is how I got here. I am one of the best warriors in The Pack. Everyone has a loyal pet wolf so Leo gives me Rex for a present when I got there.

When our pack was looking for a place to set camp Rex and I hear a moaning sound coming to our left. Quickly we exit from the line and go towards the sound unnoticed. Once we tracked the sound we found a young injured dragon Laying in blood soaked snow. Immediately I run to the pack and grab a cloth and a blanket. I come back and slowly walk towards the dragon saying " It's okay I'm not here to hurt you," The dragon snorts approvingly and I approach it. "Now can you show me where the wound is?" The dragon turns to its side and shows the gash in its stomach. I ask the creature for permission to help it and it nodded its head. I take the long piece of cloth and I tear the edge off. I dip that small piece in the snow and wet it up. Then I clean around the wound. Finally I cover the would with the rest of the cloth and put the blanket on him. "Thank you,"the dragon says,"my name is Drago. I come from The Raiders I was not picked during the ceremony of the picking so they injured me and left me here for dead. Thank goodness you came," "I am very welcome" I reply," Do you have a place to say? If you don't I can try to get my father to let you into my tribe," "I would be grateful if you did kind boy," the dragon says "you can call me Adrian and that is Rex," Rex barks at the sound of his name. "I will see my father stay here," I say. I run back to my pack and find my father. I explain everything to him "No," my father answers "This dragon is from our enemy for that he is also our enemy," "Dad," I reply "he is a lonely abandoned dragon that was left for dead his trust is with me not The Raiders," "No," my father replies firmly. After begging for longer he finally says yes. I told him to gather the Shifters and tell them everything while I get the dragon. I thank him again before taking off. I reach Drago and tell him the answer. I also told him how to behave to earn the Shifters trust, "Act playful, loyal, obedient, trust worthy, and strong," I tell him, " do not scare them for fun," "I will listen to your every command," Drago replies satisfyingly. Drago stands he was about five to five and a half feet tall and we set off. When we get to the pack everyone gasps. "It's okay," I reply soothingly, "he is tame and loyal to me do not hurt him. Drago sit.," Drago sits to the command "would anyone like to approach Drago and touch him or talk to him." Only one volunteer. It was my friend Sam. He approaches Drago slowly, "it's okay you may approach me," Drago says. When Sam gets to him he asks "May I touch you?" "You may, and by the way what is your name?" Drago replies "Sam," he answers while admiring Drago. "Sam you may sit down now, Drago can you now explain why you are here," I say giving Drago a chance to speak. Drago tells his story and the gathering was over. Everyone went back to doing what they were doing. Sometimes they would look over to steal glances of Drago. Soon one by one children were slipping away from their parents to come touch and play with Drago. Drago seemed to be enjoying himself finally having a caring family and home. Sam takes me over while Drago is playing and says "Adrian you are lucky to have a pet like that," "he is not a pet Sam he is a companion like Rex, he should not be treated like a mere dog," I reply. After a few days Drago got the pack to trust him. He was helping with chores and entertaining kids even transporting them to their tent. Drago and I practiced flying and fighting together.

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