Chapter 10

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Bella's POV:

"Damn it!" I cursed as the hard glass slipped out of my hands again.

I was sitting beside the lake again. I tried to connect with Twinkle and Sky. It actually worked. I showed them the glass which I picked up after the dark angel had exploded. They told me it can kill another dark angel but I have to be careful because it can cut me too. So that was why I was trying to make a knife from it. But it wasn't easy.

As I continued trying I thought about Edward. How much did he saw? Did he even realised that I was there when he opened his eyes? I wish I could read his mind.

I didn't know what will my next step be. Edward hated me for some reason. The others had no problem to accept me. Maybe he sensed that something was off with me. Though it wasn't hard to see that.

I didn't know what will the dark angeles do or when will they do something. Ah! I hated when I couldn't see something clear, the whole picture.

I wished I had Alice's future telling power. It would be good to know what will come out of this. Though Alice couldn't see the future all the time. I think she couldn't see me because I was dead in her eyes.

After an hour I was satisfied with myself. I succeed and made a knife of the glass. I put it away and started to go back to the Cullens.

However as I was heading back I heard several footsteps and voices.

"Come on guys!" Emmett's booming voice echoed in the forest. I wondered where they were going.

At first I thought it wasn't my business but curiosity got the better of me. I started to follow them, my steps were silent. When I was close to them I started to jump from tree to tree. After a while I realised that they were heading to La Push.

When they stopped they just confirmed it. 7 huge wolves were standing there and Sam and Jacob were in their human form. Jacob looked the same expect some dark circles under his eyes and the light was missing from them. I stayed on a tree looking at them.

"Welcome gentlemen." Carlisle said politely and shook hands with Sam who just nodded.

"I am glad you reacted so quickly to our message. The problem is that we caught a vampire's scent on your side. Care to share with us whose was it?" He asked rudely. I saw some of the Cullens tense.

"What were you doing on our side?" Asked Rosalie through clenched teeth.

"We weren't on your side. The wind blew it toward us." Jacob snapped. "Stupid bloodsuckers." He murmered softly under his breath.

Emmett raised one eyebrow while he tried to restrain his wife. "Calm down puppy, we were just checking." He said with a smirk and I saw Jacob shake slightly.

"Anyway who was it? A friend or perhaps a new piece in your weird collection Doc? Or Edward had already found someone to replace Bella with?" Jacob spatted. My eyes grew large as he finished and I felt a knot in my stomach at the thought that Edward would replace me.

Then it happened so fast. Edward was standing next to Alice then with a fierce growl he was on Jacob. He was holding him down by his throat cutting down the oxygen. He beat Jacob's head repeatedly against the ground.

"She" hit "never" hit "be" hit "replaced." He banged his head against the ground after every word and each one was stronger than the one before.

Finally Emmett and Sam moved and Emmett pulled Edward off of Jacob who was probably unconscious if not dead. However Edward tried to fight against Emmett's hold but it was useless. He finally calmed down when Emmett whispered something to him.

I looked back at Jacob who was lying on the ground motionless. The wolves were growling like the Cullens expect Carlisle and Sam who were trying to keep the peace.

After some time Jacob was finally moving again and apart from the little stumbles he seemed concentrate. He pointed to Edward with death glare on his face. "You! How dare you!? You know I am someway glad that Bella is dead. Because if she was alive she would be with you, a heartless monster! Who couldn't even protect her! You showed her all the pain what she could feel! You are a monster!" He shouted. "You don't deserve to live!" I gasped at his words then anger took over me. How dare he says something like this to my Edward!?

"Then kill me, damn it!" Edward screamed. "Do you think I wanted this to happen?! Do you think I want to live without her?!" He said and I saw the agony in his eyes. No! Edward couldn't kill himself. I was here! I needed to do something before he got himself killed.

I almost jumped off the tree and punched Jacob when he considered it. But I relaxed slightly when he shook his head. "No, I wouldn't kill you. So you can live your life in pain and with the knowledge that she is dead. I won't free you from the pain." He said in a deadly calm. Edward's shoulders hunched in defeat.

And just when I thought it was over, Paul stepped ahead in his human form. He glared at Edward as he spoke. "If Jacob doesn't kill you then I will." He said then attacked Edward.

He phased while he was up in the air so when he landed on him he was a giant wolf. The other Cullens tried to help him but the wolves stopped them. My breathing was fast as I looked at Edward.

He was under Paul, not fighting against him. That confused the wolf because he thought he will have a good fight with a mind reader. But Edward didn't fight, he just wanted to die.

I was pleading in my mind that he would do something to get away from the danger. But he didn't even flinch, he just stared ahead his mind was far away. After some time Paul got bored and snapped his teeth one more time then went for his throat.

I heard several people shout and without thinking I jumped off the tree.

"Stop!" I screamed.


Thanks for reading it. Sorry for the grammar mistakes and I hope you liked it.

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