Chapter 13

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Edward's POV:

With a frown I put back another book. I was in Carlisle's study trying to find an answer to my questions about Isa. She wasn't spending much time at the house which I was grateful but sometimes I felt an ache in my chest and it wasn't because of Bella. I felt guilty becasue of that and it just made me more determined to find the answers.

The others had no problem with her. They were really thankful that she stopped Paul from killing me. On the other hand I was angry and relieved at the same time. It was my decision to make if I want to live or die but somehow I felt strangely relieved because something was still holding me here and it became stronger every day. It somehow had to be connected to Isa. It started the day when she appeared. And she knew something about Bella, that was sure.

I looked up to the hundreds of books again reaching for the next one. I had already read most of them but I wanted to be sure. This was my second week doing this. I didn't tell the others what or why I was doing. They wouldn't understand.

There was a knock on the door and I turned to see Carlisle entering with a box full of books. I looked at him waiting for an explanation. "After you started to look at the books I remembered that there were some left behind at Alaska. I asked the Denails to send them. I hope you will find what are you looking for." He said nervously, trying to make a conversation with me. I didn't talk to them much but they were relieved that I wasn't in my room anymore. But I knew from their thoughts that my eyes were still lifeless, my body tense and that Jasper had to leave the house constantly because he couldn't bear the feelings which were coming from me.

"Thanks." I mumbled and started to look over them. He stood there for a couple of seconds trying to get me to talk again or hunt but he couldn't come up with anything so he left.

I sighed and apologised to them in my mind. It pained them to see me like this but I couldn't help it. It was terrible for a week after we met the wolves. The words what Jacob shouted at me echoed in my mind. They reminded me about my loss. I didn't even know how did I talked to Isa before breaking down. The next week I needed to leave the house. I couldn't bear to listen to the others thoughts. They have were full of pity towards me. So I went to the meadow. I felt closer to Bella there. After that I started my research about Isa. It kept my mind busy and that was what I needed.

As I looked through the 'new' books something caught my eyes. It was an old big book. The cover was ruined. It felt like it was screaming at me to open it. I started to read it.

It was mostly about legends and old stories. How the devil killed people and how the angels save them. I went through them quickly until my eyes stopped at a page.

White angels.

It wasn't a story. It was description about this creature. I never heard of them and I doubt it if any of us.

They are fast, they are strong but not deadly. White angles can't harm humans intentionally. They drink animal blood. They are people who were killed by Dark angels.

Dark angels? I never heard of them either.

They have a chance to go back to earth and resume their life. But they have a task which they have to complete. It could be anything but if they fail then they could never return to earth. They stay angles up in Heaven.

What kind of task they could have? This was getting interesting.

If the person is back on earth as a white angel no one will recognise her or him. The people will see them differently but there will be similarities.

An image of Bella and Isa came up in my mind. Same brown hair and eyes, same full lips also the electrical current when I touched her... But their faces were different and Isa was much paler then her.

If they try to talk about who they really are they will instantly become mute until they stop talking about who they are.

A memory of Isa shouting at me and I couldn't hear anything hit me next.

They have wings but even if they are out people couldn't see it. Though the air is kinda blury where the wings are.

When I saw Isa after I became conscious again.

The white angeles most of the time have to fight with the dark angels who killed them. The Dark angels want to destroy the person who is most loved by the White angel, their soul mate.

I looked at a picture which was next to the text. There was a white angel on it and a dark angel. None of them had face. The white angel had white wings and she was in a white dress. Next to her there was a dark angel. I gasped when I looked at it. It was the same what had attacked me. Black wing and had a mysterious purplish glow around him. My mind started to race as I continued to read.

White angles have mostly two powers. All of them can shock their enemy or throw lightnings. And sometimes they have another one which depends on the person what it is. They are fighting to get their fate back.

Once a white angel completes the task they stay on earth and they can return to their lives. They will become what is the best for them. They can be humans, vampires, werewolves or anything.

This was the end of their description though I turned to the next page jut to make it sure. I was glad that I did.

Dark angels.

They are deadly, fast and strong. Dark angels kill anyone without thinking. They are people from hell who have a second chance to stay on earth. Their first task is to kill a good person. That person will become a white angel. They have to prevent her or his task. They often attack their soulmates so they become distracted. There are often 4 dark angels against one white angel. But only one dark angel can go back to earth. The one whose the final hit. Who destroys the white angel. They are each others enemie but at the same time they have to work together to corner the white angel. It's rare when one of them has a power, beside throwing lightnings, but if they have plus one mostly is that they can change shape. Also at night time they can become shadows. When you kill one, most of the time it explodes and there will be dark purple glasses left behind. Those can kill a dark angel.

I stood there stunned and motionless as the book slipped from my hands and fell to the floor. My mind started to race everything what happened since Isa showed suddenly came back.

The monster, who attacked me, must have been a dark angel. And he probably attacked me because I was the white angels soulmate. Who couldn't be anyone else just...


Things what she said come back.

"I lived in Chicago."  My home town.

"I hope you will."

"Can't you just thank me and get it over with?" The same thing what I said to her after I had saved her from being hit by the van.

"Edward." When she knew my name without asking it.

"You can't give up, not yet!"

The pain in her eyes when she saw me at the meadow crying.

The panick in her eyes when Paul almost killed me.

The feeling that I can't go anywhere. That something was still here.

My breathing was fast as another thought hit me.


It couldn't be. Or could it? She was back? And she was fighting for me? For us? How didn't I realise this sooner. I needed to find her and see it with my own eyes.


Yes! He finally knows :) Anyway I am sorry for any grammar mistakes and thanks for reading it. I hope you liked it.

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