Chapter (5) *Would you like to be all mine? *

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  • Dedicated to Rehab Tarek

Laura's POV:

* I don't know what to do now, should i go out with Adam and leave my brother? Should i take him with me? Maybe i have to tell Adam that i can't go out today.. But, i miss my bestfriends! .. Okai.. I will take Jake with me but i think i have to tell Adam first..

"Hello, It's Adam right?" I said awkwardly, you know i have never called him on the phone before! "Yea,Lur it's me" Adam Replied. "Adam, Can i take Jake with me? Mum is not here and i can't leave him alone you know" I Asked. "Aha Sure! I wanna see him" Adam Replied. "Okaay, Thanks dude, Cya after minutes" I said and hung out the line.

"Okay Lur, i'm going out now.. Take care of your brother" Mum said holding the door's Key and opening it to go out. "Sure Mumy, Just go and enjoy your time" I said with a smile.. Mum just went out and closed the door, and i ran so fast to pick an outfit, I have only 30 minutes! .. I Opened the cupboard.. and here i'm! looking and searching until i found the most fitting one, Contrast Panel mini skirt, A blue American Apparel with white Bow, And my favorite timberland white Boots.. It's was an amazing outfit! And i thin-  "Lauraaaaa! Help Me!!" Jake Yelled.. I ran to his room and he said "Help me?" Standing Awkwardly and his head stucks in the collar's t-shirt.. "Okay Jukii" I said smiling and i helped him, he picked a t-shirt and jeans, Prushed his hair, And everything is almost perfect now.. After 5 minutes,, Adam Came and his car was front of the house and Menna is sitting beside him, I took jake from his hand and rode the car.

"How are you guys?" Menna asked Jake and I .. I said " Yea, we ar- " Jake Interrupted me and said " We are as fine as frog's hair" We all laughed .. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To a great Restaurant, just Lurii" Adam replied while he was driving.

After reaching to the Restaurant, Menna took Jake from me  "I will take him to the Garden, i wanna talk to this jukii more" She said  kissing Jake's cheek... Adam and I stayed all alone.  We sat on a table for two, stayed a whole minute in scilence! .. "So, tell me why you and menna didn't come?" I asked.  "Well, My GrandMa was died on the same day and.." He said and he didn't continue, I gave him a friendly hug saying "I'm really sorry" . "It's okay Lur" trying to fake a smile, I tried a lot to make him happy that day and change his mood, And i succeed !

We ordered pizza, We started to eat, talk and laugh.. too loud! we didn't care about the people! I can say that, i loved his weirdness, His Sense of Humor.. I LOVED ADAM REYNOLDS With all his little things.

A Guy came to our table and said " Heeeey Lauraa!" I think i know him! yea, wait! He's my old Neighbour! i have no idea what's he doing here but, He came at the wrong time actually, i faked a smile  " Hey, Nathan? Right! " I said. "Yea! i miss you! where have you been" He asked trying to be funny. " I'm here, but kinda busy.. you know moving to a new place is not easy! " I said. Adam was looking at me with an eyes full of *I will kill you later* .. I noticed that.. i tried to save the situation and said " Adam, It's Nathan.. My old neighbour, Nathan, It's Adam My Bestfriend" .. "Oh! Really you noticed? Who's that guy with a tight red polo t-shirt?" Adam said to me sarcastically. "What? tell me what you told her" Nathan said. "I think it's not from your business!" Adam Replied and stood up, actually the argument was about to start, "No! you don't know who you're talking to" Nathan said. "Really? Laura tell him!" Adam said. "Yea, Nathan your red polo t-shirt is tight" I said. They all laughed. But the argument is still here, I tired to tell Nathan that he should go, Seriously! This night is mine! i don't want someone like Nathan to blow it like it's nothing! ..'' okay Laura, i will see you later" Nathan Said and Leaved.. Finally! .. I said "Adam i'm really sorry i- " Adam Interrupted me "Shh! It's Okay, he is the intruder not you" Adam said. Adam looked deep in My eyes.. Very Deep.

Menna's POV: 

While i was walking in the Garden with Jake, I brought him an ice-cream.. "Let's sit on that Bench, Okai Juki?" I said. "Okay" Jake Replied.. When we was about to sit, Jake saw some guys who was playing football.. He ran to them without taking my permission! He went to the guy who catched the ball.. He saw Jake, he liked him and Passed the ball to Jukii, " JAAAAKE!" I Shouted to Jake, but he found a friend now, He forgot all about me.. I had nothing to do! so i went to him and told Jake "Never run again, Okay?" Whispering in his ears.. The Guy was staring at me and said " You are his sister, Right? " He said. "Awh, Nope.. I'm his Sister's Bestfriend" I said with a smile. "Wow! it's cute that you take care of him too!" He said. "Mmm, you know kinda, I love Kids anyway" I said. "I'm not a kid! " Jake replied. "Hahaha, No, you are not, you are just tiny" The Guy said and taking Jake from my Hand and holding him. "So, what's your name?" He asked. "It's Menna, and you?" I replied. "My name is Edward" The guy said.. "I like it" i said. "Thanks, i like yours too.. How often do you come here?" He asked. "Every Friday! .. Why?" I said .. "Mmm, noting, i think i have to see you again, if you don't mind" Edward Said. "Aha, i don't mind at all" I Said smiling, He smiled back, We talked and talked until .. "Ed, I have to go now.. Really nice to meet ya!" I said. "Okay Menna, Nice to meet ya too, See ya soon!" Edward Replied. He sat on his knees " Give a hug to Ed?" Edward said to Jake. Jake Hugged him, Edward stood up he  Smiled and told me good bye and i walked away with Jake holding my Hand.  I couldn't feel anything! i was just speechless! He is Cute! Adorable! and he wanted to meet me again! . "Menna.. Ed is Cute, Right?" .. "Menna?" .. "MENNAAAA!" Jake Said. "Huh?" I replied. "Nothing, i got everything" Jake said like an Evil, He thinks that i like Edward.. And i don't know if Jake is true or not.

Laura's POV:

Where were we? Aha, Adam Looked Deep at my Eyes.. His IPhone started to Ring,  "Laura, i have to go to the bathroom now, Excuse me" Adam said with a fake smile, he was worried or something like that! "Oh, Sure" I replied. I don't know why he was worried like that when his phone rang.

I felt a viberation in my pocket, it was my Phone too.. She is Menna.. " Hey Menna! " I said. "Lur, Come to me now! I can't find Jake" Menna Said crying in the phone. "WHAT! where are you now?" I said and stood up from my chair. "I'm at the beach now, it's near, come now" Menna Said. "Okay, i'm on my way" I said running on my way to the beach, i forgot all about Adam at this moment.

I went to the beach, Looking for Them and my eyes full of tears, But.. I found flowers and Red Helium balloons and Very Romantic Lights.. Adam was standing in the middle holding a paper saying "Would you like to be all mine?" .. My tears turned into Happiness! i couldn't Believe myself! I Ran very fast and jumped into Adam's Chest to Hug him.. He took that as 'Yes' from me, He smiled and was hugging me like an idiot, Happy Idiot... He didn't want to put me down on the ground! I whispered in his ear " So, when will you put me on the ground?" .. "Never, Angels are flying and you are my angel" He replied.. After Begging him, My toes touched the ground finally! But Still holding me from my waist, really close.. i could see his neck taking Ins and Outs.. "So, would you like to be mine?" He asked. "In one case" I replied teasing him. "And what's it?" Adam said. "Be mine, only me no one else and take care of me"  I replied. "Deal" Adam said getting closer and kissed me, a long one.. <3

Menna and Jake are standing Beyond the Trees.. "Well, Laura i'm gonna tell your mom about that" Jake said loudly. Adam and I laughed really hard. i went to Menna and Jake, "So you were here? Menna didn't lost you? I Said to Jake, "Yea, Menna wanted to prepare all this things" .. I hugged Menna Really tight and whispered "Well done" She Laughed, "I wanna Pee!" Jake said. We all couldn't stop laughing.. "Well, It's time to go home" Laura Said. "Home? i wanna have more time with you" Adam said holding my hands, "I'm really sorry, I can't, Mum is on her way i guess" I said to Adam. "Okay, Let's go now" Adam said smiling. We rode Adam's Car, Menna was sitting beside Adam, Jake and I was sitting in the back, Adam was always looking at me from the mirror, "What are you doing?" I asked. "Taking care of you, like you said" He replied laughing. i laughed too.. We reached to the home, We got out from the car, i saw mom was coming.. I entered fast without saying goodbye or anything, They got it, and they tried to hide too! But when i was about to close the door, Adam Looked from the door.. "Get out before she come! " I said. "No, i won't.. Give me a kiss first and i will leave" Adam replied. "Kiss? are you kidding Me?" I said. "If you didn't i will say *I LOVE YOU LAURA* in a loud voice, you know i'm crazy and no one can stop me" Adam Replied. I gave him a fast kiss "Now go away!" I said laughing. Adam was looking at me and piting his lower lip, And actually Menna was staying in the car, She was closing her eyes and smiling.. Maybe because she's a daydreamer? I don't know if something had happened when she was in the Garden, i've never seen her like this before..

I told Jake to go to his room and take off his clothes, I went to my room to do the same.. "Hey Hey! Mumy Is Here" Mum said opening the door. *Laura take a deep breath* i said to myself trying to calm down. And i went out, "Hey mum!" Me and Jake in one voice. We hugged Mum.. "Tell me, How was those 3 hours?" Mum asked. My brother looked at me.. "Everything was fine!" I said. "as fine as frog's hair" Jake replied.

I went to my room! Can't believe this day had just Passed like that! And Can't believe what happened today! I looked at myself in the Mirrior! * Laura now you are loved, Someone owns you! * I said to myself. i actually don't know what will happen when Adam and I walk in the school, I mean.. What will the girls do! I will gain Haters.. But it's Just A Start ;)

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