Chapter 1.

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I laid there in bed thinking of every single possible thing that could go wrong tonight. It would be an understatement to say I was nervous. My fathers going away party is probably going to be one of the biggest events this year. Everyone, and I mean everyone that has anything to do with my fathers business will be here tonight. Apparently, my father wants to introduce me to all his peers, and co-workers tonight. Which was actually something really unexpected from him.

I have no idea how long I was drowning in my thoughts, before I heard a light knock on my door.

"Come on in." I said in a polite tone.

"Miss Alex, your mother has requested for me to inform you that Mr. Bruno your stylist will be here in 45 minutes, and will be waiting downstairs in the styling room." Amelia informed me. Amelia is one of my fathers many maids. She's been around since I was 5 years old. So, I think it's safe to say were pretty close.

I nodded, and with that she left the room. I calmly stood up and headed towards the bathroom to take my shower before Bruno arrived. Once I stripped out of my clothes,  I entered my warm, relaxing bath trying to calm myself down. There was a 3 hour countdown left until I had to face a room full of strangers and present myself as the perfect Alexandra Price. Daughter of the very own multi millionaire, Frederic Price.

Once I finished up my 30 minute shower, I stepped out and dried myself off completely. I firmly wrapped the towel around my petite body and walked out of the bathroom to grab some clothes. I decided on wearing my white lace underwear set that included a white lace strapless bra. Just in case the dress that Bruno picked out was strapless. I also picked out a white tank top and some gray sweats to wear while Bruno did my hair and makeup.

Just as I was finished I heard another slight knock on my door. "Come in." I sweetly responded.

"Miss Alex, Mr. Bruno is already here and is done setting up." Amelia informed me.

"Thank you." I warmly said whilst walking towards the door.

Once I entered the room I was greeted by an incredibly enthusiastic Bruno!

"Oh darling! Hello, hello!" He practically shouted while reaching over to hug me.

"Ah, Bruno. Hello love!" I responded just as enthusiastic as he did.

"How have you been! Oh god look at you! Your gorgeous!" He exclaimed. I chuckled and thanked him for his compliment.

"Thank you! How's Jacob?!" I asked with an excited tone.

"Oh! He's a pain in the ass! But, I still love him." He said as he held his hand over his heart.

I chuckled at his response. "Are things getting serious yet?" I asked with a smirk.

I could see the blush that broke out on his face. "Well, I haven't told anyone yet but... We're planning on moving in together next week!" He practically jumped with excited.

"Oh my god! Are you serious!?" I said while jumping up and down with him.

He nodded vigorously. We both just gave each other another hug, trying to calm down after such exciting news. Bruno and Jacob had met through my mother when she had invited both of them to go shopping with her. Since then they've been dating. And that was 2 years ago!

He gave me a warm smile while gesturing for me to sit on the salon chair that he had brought in. I happily sat down, not being able to shake off the huge grin plastered on my face. He soon tied a cape around my neck and started to apply pressure to the chair pump making me go higher in the air.

"So, I was thinking bouncy curls and light makeup?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

I thought about it for a moment before happily nodding to his suggestion.

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