What's It Like? (Destiel One Shot)

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Castiel and Sam were sitting in a motel room, while Dean was out getting food.

Castiel: Sam, what's it like?

Sam: What's what like?

Castiel: Being in love.

Sam: It happens when you least expect it. I went to Stanford and wasn't expecting anything more than becoming a lawyer, if that. When i met Jess it was strange, something I'd never felt before. Every time I saw her I got this feeling, like i would do anything for her and I knew she would do the same in return. I got butterflies every time she smiled and each time she said 'I love you' it was just as important as the first, my heart started beating faster than I thought possible and I cared about her more than anyone or anything. I never wanted to loose her, we'd be apart for an hour and I would miss her. I never was the jelous type but everytime I saw another boy look at her I'd get this feeling in my stomach that made me want to punch him in the face. Love is different for everyone but that's what it felt like for me. Why'd you ask?

Castiel: Because I think i know how you feel.

Dean re enters the room and shuts the door quietly so neither of the people in the room notice.

Sam: You're in love?

Castiel: I think so.

Sam: With who?

Castiel: ...Dean

Dean: Wait, what? You love me?

Castiel: Ummm...

Castiel stood up, he never knew angels could blush but the embarrassment got the better of him and he had redness creeping up his cheeks. He was about to fly away.

Dean: Cas wait. I love you too. I have for a really long time, I just didn't know how to tell you.

Castiel stood in shock as Dean made his way over to him. He wrapped his arms around his angel and brought him into a tight embrace. They pulled away and looked into each others eyes, their faces were millimeters away from eachother. Dean put his hand on the back of Cas's neck and pulled him even closer. They smashed their lips together and their mouths moved in sync. It was passionate yet gentle and when they pulled away they were both gasping for air.

Dean: I've wanted to do that for a long time.

Castiel: Me too.

Sam: Took you guys long enough.

Sam walked over to the pair and pulled them into a hug.

Sam: I'm happy for you.

Dean: Thanks bitch

Sam: Jerk

Castiel: Assbutt

(Distant sound of fangirls squealing. "My ship is cannon!")

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