Chapter 1

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May 1, 2012

Steven: hey

Me: Hi...

Steven: what's up?????

Me: not much just laying here... hbu? (She lies she was laying there crying)

Steven: same I'm bored.

Me:same here.

Steven: I can't wait till school is out. Are you gonna go to any fairs this summer like you usually do?

Me: probably. Hbu?

Steven: yeah I plan on it. We always do lol.

Me: yeppers.

Steven: you seem distant. Anything wrong?

Me: no nothing is wrong.

Steven: are you sure?????

Me: yeah.

Steven: positive.

Me: positive......

Steven: prove it.

Me: how?

Steven: by sending me a picture of you.

Me: ummmmm.... I can't my phone is junk.....

Steven: you sent me a pic of you and your friends yesterday..

Me: yeah but it is acting up..

Steven: okay I got to go.. bye

Me: ok... bye.

Steven: I will try texting you later on.

Me: alright.

*end conversation*

" Hey, the reason why I was acting that way was cause I was crying my eyes out. I tried not to show you how I felt... but I guess you could see that something was wrong... I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I love you. It hurts seeing you dating someone else. Today my boyfriend I had broke my heart. He cheated on me with somebody else and then he broke up with me. Leaving me here with a broken heart. . My phone can send pictures. I didn't want too because I didn't want you seeing that I was crying not smiling.."
Saved to Drafts

Authors note: I am writing this story told 3 years behind and I'm going to work up to where we are now. But I hope you guys enjoy. I am going to try something new. Yeah I know I haven't finished my other stories. But I will I promise :) .

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