Chapter 3

37 5 2

May 24th, 2012

Steven: hey gooooood looking watcha got cooking. How about cooking something for me.

Me: ummm. Hey lol

Steven: Guess what

Me: what lol

Steven: I'm single. Wanna be single buddies?

Me: wait what happened???

Steven: Miranda has barely been talking to me lately. But it doesn't matter I got my eyes on somebody else. They r sooooooooooooooo gorgeous.

Me: wait you broke up with Miranda?

Steven: No, she broke up with me.

Me: oh..

Steven: but it doesn't matter I didn't shed any tears for her.

Me: I thought y'all guys made such a cute couple. I thought you guys were gonna last for a long time.

Steven: you dating anyone yet??

Me: no, I rather not date anyone rn. Besides i haven't seen anyone I like. I don't like anybody....

Steven: oh well. I am going to ask out that girl out in a week.

Me: I bet she will say yes. I don't see why they wouldn't say yes to you.

Steven: hey, i am sorry but I gotta go. I enjoyed talking to you.

Me: oh alright bye steven.

Steven: before I go I just wanted to say don't let guys play with your heart. You don't deserve that.

Me: I guess I'll talk to you soon

Steven: yeah. I'll talk to you soon best friend .

"Soooo... you friend zoned me today. I can't believe that. Oh well. We'll that girl you ask out will be lucky to have someone like you. I will surprised If she says no. I mean who wouldn't. Your like perfect. I love you.... sweet dreams.

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