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Mates are a HUGE part of the werewolf genre. Most books are about finding your mate. They focus on weather you find tour mate and fall helplessly in love, or rejecting them. I know that now a days everyone is against the stereotypes but there are still many story's on mates. And I for one love the love. Don't hate. That's just me. :) So here is all you need to know about mates

Finding- A wolf finding their mate is pretty simple for them. Except for those who are in different packs. Some authors go as far as other countries. But the moment a mate is close by, there wolf will start getting antsy and nervous. Eventually, fate does bring them together. Most werewolf authors go for either of these ways; Smell, they smell each other out. Sight, only when they look into each others eyes will they know. Or Touch, they need to touch each other in some way and most times it has to be skin on skin. Then they will know that they are mates. But like to believe they just sniff each other outs until they find them and look into there eyes.

Age- The age the werewolf's have to be when they find each other depends on the author. It usually ranges from 16-18 as the age that they should find each other. I did not make the exact rules but in my opinion, I think that if a mate is older than the other and turns the age of finding a mate sooner than the other, they just have to wait and can't find their mate until they both are of age. It all depends on the author.

Effects- When finding your mate, you are drawn to them by everything that you are. There touch sends sparks up your arm. There voice soothes you. Only they can calm you down. Only they can make you feel better when your sad. Only they have the power to truly love you, and you them.

Mating Process- The mating process is 3 steps.
1. Finding each other
2. Marking. They bite each other neck and make a claim on one another.
3. I think you all know this step, "doing the deed" "sealing the envelope" "doing the dirty"
So these are the steps that mates take to finally becoming one whole soul.
Addition- The marking is a small part and usually takes place during the sex or any spontaneous moments between the two mates. There isn't any specific order in which they mark each other, however the male is usually the more dominant one so her would generally go first. In any other case, its totally fine for the female to go first. In the case of same gender mates, its the same, order doesn't matter, its all up to the author.

Rejection- When a wolf feels that the mate they were chosen to be with is not capable of being there mate, the will recite a line "I (Says their name) reject you (Says their mates name) as my mate." And bang! All ties are broken right away. This brake in the tie will cause pain to both mates. After that the rejected will feel sad a empty. While the rejector will have an angry wolf for the rest if their stupid lives, and will also feel emptiness and sadness. Wolfs and humans have separate minds even if they share the same body and soul. The wolf will feel angry about rejection because they are the ones more connected to the mate. Losing them all because the human part of them was stupid will anger them. If the wolves choose to repair their relationship, all they have to do is forgive each other and the bond is repaired. (I honestly don't believe in the repair of the bond. You had a chance and you blew it, its done for good. I do believe in second chance mates though. But that's just my opinion.)

It is possible for a werewolf to have 2 mates. It depends on the author what this means. (the idea of 2 mates is my favorite type of conflict for werewolf stories)

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