Not a Normal Box

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The Doctor dragged Nova out of the bookshop and onto the narrow street so fast she had no time to lock the door or even bit the light switch. Nova felt that protesting would get her nowhere with this storage man, so she refrained from doing so. Her feet quickly stumbled and tripped on the unevenly paved road. The Doctor led her into a little alleyway lined with full bins just off the main road and let go of her hand.

"Why'd you bring me here?" Nova demanded, breathless from running do fast. The Doctor grinned as if he had done this a million times before.

"Well, I usually just park the old girl where it's most convenient," the Doctor replied, proceeding to a large blue wooden box. "But I've been trying to lay low for a while. You know, keep out of the history books. And people have begun to recognize the TARDIS, what with there being so many old friends of mine in London alone. Well, are you coming?" He turned around and faced Nova with a hopeful expression on his childish face.

"Coming where, exactly?" inquired Nova, crossing her arms and keeping her feet rooted to where she was standing. "You never even asked my name, and didn't give me a real answer for yours. It's Nova, by the way. No need to ask now."

"Nova? I love that name. Never heard it before. Have you got a family name?"

"I'm telling you as much of my name as you tell me of yours. Let's call it a mutual lack of trust. Anyways, where were you planning on taking me?"

"Wherever you like! Anywhere in all of time and space, every thing and pant and person that ever was and ever will be." The Doctor snapped his long, nimble fingers and the doors of the tall blue box opened, revealing a glowing orange interior.

Nova looked behind her at the horrible-smelling bins. Thinking that she did not want to walk past them again, she took a deep breath and stepped into the box.

"Well, this is certainly not a normal box."

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