Chapter Six

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Author's Note:

I'm going to try to post chapters more often. The next chapter I promise that you won't ever forget. Sorry that I stopped my other books. I just didn't have any ideas. Alright so, comment or vote orr add this book to your library or whatever you wanna do with it if you liked it. If you didn't like the book, well, that's your opinions. Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to @Bluebeach because she has supported me through this whole book.

             <3 Ember

"Don't die."

"I won't..."

A month, a year, a scream. A letter. Nathan. Death. Fear. Sadness.

~I love you. I'll be back soon.


No he won't. He's DEAD! You hear me? D-E-A-D!

"Wake up. Grimm. Wake up!"

My eyes flicker open. Nathan is shaking me awake. I'm soaked in sweat. I sit up and hug him, burying my face in his chest. He pets my hair and look up at him. "It's alright, Grimm. It was only a dream," he says.

"You promised me that you'd never leave me. You promised me," I state. He looks down at me, "I never will. If you think about me, I'm here."

I stand up and walk toward my pills on the night table. I wish I didn't get so angry. I wish I didn't get so sad. I wish that I wasn't bipolar. The pills go slowly down my throat while I turn around and face my love. "What time do you leave?"

He glances at the clock, "10:00 AM." When he stands up I look at his tall, muscular body. He's perfect. He's perfect for me. For any girl. As much as I hate to say it, he's perfect for the military. It's 7:00 now. Only three more hours with my boyfriend. 

I stare out the window at the birds.

I don't want to let him go. I have to though. I want him. I need his strong arms around me all of the time. I need his warmth sleeping beside me. I need him kissing me all evening. I need to be able to tell him everything that's wrong. I need him here beside me.

The truth is; I think that I need him more than he needs me. I need his smell closing around me while I kiss him gently.

I frown, thinking of all the things that I'll miss when he's gone. I hope that he misses me so much each day. I know that it sounds selfish. But, I'll yearn for him everyday.


She look so sad. I can't do anything about it though. She just doesn't understand.

I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her small waist. I love her dark skin. I love her hair, still tinted with blood stains. The only problem with her is that she doesn't like to say the word 'love'. She turns around and looks up at me. Grimm is so short, well to me she is. To her and almost everyone else I'm a giant.

We've already wasted 15 minutes standing here. "Grimm," I say, my voice startles her.

"What?" she asks. I can't look at her face.

I finally look down at her, "I'll miss you. Don't miss me. Please."

She looks at me with that desperate face that she had the first day I saw her. At first the almost three year old memory comes back in flashes. Then it comes all together.

I hear a loud knock on the door. "Hello?" a voice calls.

       I open the door and see a stranger. She is Native American. Black hair. Tips stained with blood. Then I see the small girl, not much older than 13. The little girl has red hair, she's probably Irish. They both have scared and desperate looks on their faces. "Come in quickly," I say. The Native American girl looks down at the Irish girl. She closes her eyes and walks in. I think she's trying to act brave.

       I close the door behind them with a loud thud, and I notice that the Native American grips the Irish girl's hand tightly.

"Grimm?" I ask.

She looks up at me, "What is it?"

I take a deep breath, "Do you remember the first day that we met?"

"Yes I do. How can I not? I almost died," she opens her mouth again as if to say something else, then quickly closes it.

I smile, "Good, don't ever forget it."

It is time to go now.

She realizes that too. Grimm walks silently toward the door. "Where do you think that you're going?" I ask her, raising my eyebrows. "I'm coming with you," she answers.

I know I'm not going to win this battle. "Fine," I say. And with that, we walk out to the car.


We have arrived at the airport. Nathan gets out of the car and walks in. I follow him. I can't cry. I want to, but I can't.

He walks through all the security checks with no problem. I watch him.

We didn't say any 'Goodbye's or 'I love you's. That just makes the letting go harder.

I can't stand it. I run up to him, ignoring all the security guards. Before my mind even registers what I'm doing, I reach up and cup his face. "I love you," I whisper as my lips brush against his. He closes in the kiss. We stay like that for a minute until his plane gets called. I open my eyes and pull away from him. He does the same.

"I love you too," he says quietly and walks away.

I turn around and walk back toward the exit. Now I just have to wait until my love comes back. I have to be strong. He has to be strong. Even though we will be so far apart, we need to be strong and brave together.

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