Third Lie

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{Breaking hearts for far too long; loving you for far too long}

Natsu watched Lucy while she read.

How could someone be so captivated by stupid books? Who would actually read for pleasure? Lucy seemed to amaze him.

She sat there with a huge smile (which he had never seen on her face before-genuinely) her brown eyes sparkling with wonder and excitement as she read page after page in the same huuuge book. Natsu sat with squared elbows, staring at her as if he could decipher her thoughts.

He didn't understand this girl.

How could she just flat out....reject him? She never even blushed at his advances, and frankly she was making him feel like a stupid and worse Loke #2. He didn't really understand flirting, he just said a few words and would have a girl following him the next day around. He really wished he had learned something from those experiences.

Too late now. He thought miserably, sighing dramatically as he rested his head on his palm. He looked over to his right, seeing the school president kissing some blue haired teen.

He screwed his nose up in disgust, looking the other way to give them privacy. He sighed once more, onyx eyes slowly searching the whole of the library for something to do.

Karen told me to crush her, but she won't even tell me how! He thought in frustration, feeling the urge to pull at his pink locks. He switched his arm and rested his head on the other one, taking a quick peek at the other side of the library.

Nothing really exciting happens in the library...surprise there. The most shocking was Gajeel obviously flirting (horribly) with some blue haired nerd Karen once called midget which spread and stuck with the girl.

He watched them, noticing the way the small girl blushed before smiling shyly at the huge buffoon.

And suddenly her hand started inching towards his. It was easily missed, but Natsu was paying close attention to the two. His eyebrows seemed to raise higher and higher with each advance, disbelief buzzing through his entire being when Gajeel seemed to smile even wider (though tried to seem indifferent for his reputation's sake).

“So are you here to stalk everyone?” A voice rang through his head and he jerked his gaze away from the two, turning around to see the blonde he had been observing earlier. She had moved closer, standing right in front of his table with a disapproving frown, chocolate orbs now filled with annoyance. Natsu gulped at her unhappy look, meekly shaking his head.

“I'm not stalking.” He defended himself, the urge to back down growing steadily. She rose a delicate eyebrow, a ghost of a smile etching at the corner of her lips.

“Oh really?” She questioned, voice laced with a challenge. “So what are you doing here; Mr. Dragneel was it?” She questioned innocently, discreetly taking the seat beside him.

Natsu felt his mouth go dry, his brain searching for an excuse. Of course his mind drew to a blank.

“Uh...I...” He fumbled for something, only to come up with nothing. Sighing in defeat, he hung his shoulders. “I wasn't stalking.” He mumbled begrudgingly, his lips forming a pout.

Lucy looked over towards the huge goth guy and small bluenette, quickly glancing back at Natsu.

“They don't seem like the average couple...” She admitted, not able to hold back her strange stare. Natsu smirked at her, leaning forward.

“Now who's the one stalking?” He jabbed playfully. A small smile played at Lucy's lips and her eyes flickered back to his. She couldn't help but try to search his eyes for something.

“Told you you were stalking.” She remarked before picking herself up and out of the chair, sauntering away from his table with her large books in hands. She quietly exited the library, Natsu's eyes trailing her the whole entire time.

A grin stretched across his lips and he jumped up, racing after her.

“Want me to help you with your books?”

“No thank you.”

“Come on...those look pretty heavy, can’t I just give you a hand?”

“I said no, but thanks.” She gritted out. She had honestly thought he’d leave her-hopefully thought.

“Are you sure?” The annoying pinkette asked for the hundredth time, and Lucy felt like ripping her hair out. She sighed instead, shaking her blonde bob of hair.

“Like I said before, no thanks. I’m perfectly fine.” She grumbled, carefully stepping forward into the dangerous hallway. She swirled around a rushing student, only for her tower of books to crumble down on her.

“Woah!” Natsu exclaimed in surprise, diving down to save her. He quickly shoved some books aside, trying to resurface the buried girl.

He pulled her up and out, wrapping his arms around her waist to make sure she didn’t fall once more.

“Are you okay?” He asked in concern. Lucy’s unfocused eyes turned towards him, her cheeks slowly coloring at the touch between them.

“Y-Yes,” She stuttered bashfully, her facade leaving her for dead. Natsu grinned widely, setting her on her own two feet.

“I told you to let me help.” He reminded.

“I don’t need your help.” She replied stubbornly, trying to keep her act going though it had slipped through her fingers. She blushed when Natsu’s grin stretched, showing off a single sharp canine.

“Oh?” He asked lightly, eyes swimming with mirth. She pouted, narrowing her eyes at him in annoyance.

“Why don’t you need my help?” He asked, feeling slightly bothered by it. She smirked, stacking her books up again and picking them up.

“Because I don’t want help from stupid, arrogant, cocky, handsome-”

“Handsome?” He piped up. Her eyes widened in surprise and she nearly dropped her books, a wide blush spreading across her face.

“L-Leave me alone!” She shouted in clear embarrassment, racing ahead with her bangs covering her eyes.

“Wait!” He called, not able to hide his egotistic smile. He jogged after her, catching her elbow. She froze, not able to turn and look at him.

“I think you’re handsome, too.” He ‘confessed’.

“W-Well cute, I mean.” He quickly corrected himself, silently cursing his idiotic brain for that stupid misinterpret. “Beautiful, in fact.” He found this one honestly true, allowing a genuine smile to break out on his face.

Lucy took a sharp intake of breath, eyes widening. Her heart quickened in pace as her blush calmed down slightly, mind whirling.

They stood there quietly before Lucy pulled away and continued walking down the hall hurriedly, a small smile dipping at her lips.

“Lucy!” He called once more. She finally found the courage to turn around, her smile surprising him.

“Do you wanna...go out sometime?” He asked innocently, silently prompting her to say yes.

Her whole face turned red and she turned around, rushing down the hallways speedy fast. She didn’t dare turn back to look at him.

And Natsu found himself grinning again.

Piece of cake. He thought, a smirk replacing his grin. He turned around and began in the opposite direction, linking his arms behind his head.

He couldn’t wait to report back to Karen.

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