Christmas Extra

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This is before they have kids. And enjoy!!! And merry Christmas guys!

3rd person P.O.V

It was Christmas time again and Misty and Ash were hosting a party. "Hurry the hell up Ash!" Misty yelled impatiently. "I'm coming!" he yelled back running towards his wife. "Hurry! We need more cookie dough since someone ate all the cookie dough I had!!!" she mumbled shooting Ash a glare. "You ate some too," Ash said in his defense.

"I'm pregnant!!! I don't think you're pregnant," Misty cried out. "Yeah bu--," he started. "No buts! Now hurry,we have a few hours till everyone gets here," Misty said. Ash pouted and together they went to the store and bought some cookie dough and some other things they might need. "Ash,you make the cookies while I put the decorations up!" Misty yelled getting a box of decorations and such.
After they finished cooking and decorating the house,they sat on the couch with a sigh. Ding Dong. " a nice husband and open the door," Misty said sweetly. Ash got up and opened the door. Standing there were Paul,Dawn,Drew,May,Gary,Leaf, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, Max,Iris,Cilan,Tracey,Daisy,Violet, Lily,Korrina,Lucy and Brock. "Merry Christmas!" they all chorused. "Merry Christmas," Ash and Misty said smiling.

They all went inside the house and took a seat somewhere. "So Dawn, when is your baby due?" Ash asked. " month just like May's," she answered with a huge smile. "Mines gonna be a girl and Dawn's baby is gonna be a boy!" May yelled enthusiastically. "What if they get together and date?!?!" Dawn yells giggling. "That would be amazing!!!" May yells back also giggling. "Like you two like need to like chill out," Violet said with a chuckle. "Ya,but like Violet that would be like pretty cool if they like got together or whatever," Lily argued.

"I'm hungry!" Ash whined. "Like is that all you like think about?" Misty said,talking like her sisters. "Like no,I like think like about like pokemon and like you and like other stuff," Ash said trying to imitate the Sensational Sisters. The four sisters facepalmed and let out a groan. "WE LIKE DO NOT SOUND LIKE THAT!" Daisy,Lily and Violet yelled. "Calm down Daisy..." Tracey said chuckling nervously. "Like fine," Daisy said with a pout. "I knew Ketchum was pathetic but not as pathetic to make the famous Sensational Sisters yell at him," Paul teased with a small laugh.

"I still haven't gotten used to him laugh," Drew muttered. Iris who had been quiet for awhile let out a laugh. "So Iris,how's the relationship with Cilan going?" Leaf asked. "Great! We're getting married in a few months!" Iris said with a smile. "I always knew you two were meant for each other," Ash boasted. "And i thought, you'd be forever alone,probably marrying food..." Cilan teased."You won't believe how many times he's proposed to his food," Misty said with a laugh. "You didn't have to tell them that!" Ash whined blushing.

"So it is true!" Bonnie exclaimed. "Typical Ash," Max said with a laugh. "Stop being so mean towards the poor desperate man," Clemont and May said,scolding their younger sibling. "Really Ashy-boy? Proposing to food? And you guys think I'm desperate? I guess you guys don't know Ash at all because he's beyond desperate," Gary said with a smirk. "Wipe that smirk of your face Mr. I used to flirt with everyone and had cheerleaders when I was like 10," Leaf yelled,laughing at Gary's face when he heard what she had said. "Shesh....that was like a gazillion years ago," Gary muttered.

"Yeah right Mr. Why don't I love Misty anymore. That was....last year and a few years before that! Not a gazillion years ago!" Misty yelled laughing. "Once a womanizer, always a womanizer!" Korrina chirped, making Gary hide his face. "I AM NOT A WOMANIZER! I'VE BEEN TELLING YOU GUYS THIS FOR A YEAR NOW!" Gary yelled,making everyone laugh. "Gary,you know you're a womanizer, not as womanizer-y as Drew though," Brock said laughing. "Hey leave me out of this!" Drew exclaimed. "Gary vs. Drew. Who's the greater womanizer?" Paul and May said. "WHY AM I IN THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" Drew yelled.

"Guys,I have an announcement!" Serena yelled. Everyone turned their attention to the petite honey blonde. "I'm pregnant! And I'm having my baby around the time Misty's having hers!" she exclaimed. "I SHIP THEM!" all the girls besides Misty and Serena yelled. "They're meant to be!" Lucy yelled. "Like ya!" Daisy,Lily and Violet chorused. "We'll just have to wait and see," Misty said,before they started eating and celebrating Christmas together.

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