My First Journey to a New World

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Lets start from the beginning of my story; life as I used to know it. 

I was senior in high school, living at home with my sister Ashley and my mother and father. Family life was always something fun; playing games, telling stories, and family trips. My story begins on a stormy Monday. 

It was a school morning so I woke up at my usual time around 5:30 in the morning, to take a shower and do my hair and make up. That was defiantly one of my favorite times of the day, just letting the warm water wash away your worries of the previous day and let the constant drumming of the water droplets take over your mind as you loose yourself in the depths of your brain. 

I finally was able to pry myself out of my paradise; re-focusing on my task: make up and hair. Okay just so you know this wasn't my favorite part of my morning routine. The idea of simply standing there in front of the mirror, and practically do nothing but brush, then straighten, then brush, then straighten. 

Honestly! How do I manage to do it every day, I am still unaware of. All I knew was the Aiden (my boyfriend at the time) loved my hair when it was straight, instead of up in a bun or ponytail. He said that I looked like a "crazy and homeless person with no time to deal with something so important as looks". 

If I ever get the chance to talk to him again I would tell him that I was perfect just the way I am: not needing to do my hair every day to make myself seem perfect like he wanted me to be. 

Aiden was a popular person in my school, a star on the football team, just like every cliche book or story you have ever read. Although I thought I loved him at the time, I never really fit in to his little possy of friends. I would of liked to think he would of been perfect for me, maybe my future husband one day, but one could of only hoped at the time. 

But anyways, back to my morning routine, I made myself the usual scrambled eggs and waffles with maple syrup. Once I was done eating and the dishes were all taken care of I walked to the front door and grabbed my car keys, and everything else I needed for school.

Today was actually a special day. Every year the seniors at our school went on a trip to Hawaii, to learn about the native culture there. It was one extremely expensive trip and took me all freshman, sophomore and junior year to save up enough money to go. 

I was going with two of my close friends and the rest of my home room filled with what I would call, the " pop squad" or aka: the popular people of the school. The only real thoughts that I can still remember was that I was soooooo excited to actually be able to go but also that Aiden wasn't able to come with us because he had a different home room. 

Part of me was kinda relieved that I didn't have to be bound in any way; completely free. I pulled into the school parking lot and found my class. Going to the attendance board I signed in and turned in my luggage. Finally free of that burden, I turned to fine my two friends Sammy and Alexis. 

"Hey! Cassie! Come on were gonna be late!" Alexis shouted at me from across the parking lot. Finally seeing her, I ran over and gave them both hugs. "Hey guys! Are you finally ready to get this show on the road?" I asked excitingly. They both gave me a look that I could only identify as their famous 'no dip sherlock' look. Silently laughing to myself I let them pull me over to the buses. 

I looked around my school, taking in my surroundings. The maple and sandy leaves scattered on the ground; spewn around by some invisible force. The early morning breeze - still smelling of early morning dew - fluttering through the window. The sunset of molten oranges and hues of red, pinks and blues, slowly fading away. I wish I could see that sight again; if only just to have something familiar and homely to call my own again. 

Putting in my headphones and turning on my ipod, I let myself relax for the long journey ahead of me. After that I can't tell you what happened or exactly how long it took to actually get from school to the airport, to the plane and actually to Hawaii. It all happened in fast forward, the memories all jumbled up like a giant puzzle, unable to piece them together.  I couldn't tell you about security, or boarding the plane or even what happened on the plane. It all seems like so long ago - to long ago. 

What I do remember was my first night with Alexis and Sammy. After pushing past some of the pop squad (consisting of Anna, Jason, Zach and Scarlet) crowding the buses carrying my luggage I trudged the long and steep hill up to our hotel. 

Our "hotel" was more really a grass hut, that consisted of a bathroom and a sink and three small mattresses on the floor. I can honestly say that I was extremely surprised that we would be staying in something so uncivilized. I can tell you I was expecting a big hotel with a nice indoor pool and Jacuzzi, not that dump. When I asked my chaperone about she just said "Its part of the experience, get over it". 

Not at all pleased and actually a little irritated, I entered my little hut and ignored my friends as I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth (at this point I was suprised they had running water) and change into my fuzzy pajama bottoms and crawled into my bed. Pulling the sheet up over my head to block the light and let the silence come over me as I drifted off into a dreamless slumber. 

Even to this day, I will never forget what happened that night. The memory will be forever engrained into the deepest corner and smallest crevice of my mind, only to show up in my worst of nightmares.


A/N: Hey guys! This is my first ever story, that I am actually working on, so if you could I would really appreciate any comments whether they be positive or negative. I would reallly like to see what you guys think of this chapter and whether or not you guys would be interested in more and don't worry you won't offend me in any way. Thanks!



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