Nightmares and Strange Places

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The black was endless, so deep in color that I couldn't even see my own fingers inches from my face. I knew that I was still sleeping, although at the time I could sense something was wrong, even in my dreamless state. I could feel the abnormal silence radiating around me as if I was deep underwater. Where no movement could be seen nor sound heard. 

That's when it happened, the hand clasping over my mouth and the hand jerking me up from my bed. At first I was too stunned to actually comprehend what my first action was. After a few seconds, when my mind actually started to wake up, did I begin to struggle and scream. I fought and struggled but the mysterious person wouldn't let me go. 

I reached behind me to actually hit him but he was able to grab both of my arms and pin them down against my body. He dragged me out of my little hut and down into the deep forest. I was so scared, I could feel myself trembling as he threw me to the ground. The last thing I remember of freedom, was a blinding pain on the back of my head. 

I couldn't remember what happened to me at first, when I woke up. All I registered was that I was laying on a small pallet in what seemed to be a small room, lit only with a single dim light bulb. I tried to sit up but my head protested, and I suddenly became extremely nauseous, and was forced to lie back down. 

Thats when I remembered, I was suddenly overcome with a dreadful sense of fear. Thoughts rushed through my head. Where was I? What would happen to me? What happened to my friends? Will they send out  a search party and find me? At this point I didn't know, but I wished that they would and soon, before he came back to me, as I knew he would. 

Still laying on the pallet, I was shocked to hear foot steps echo throughout the dark corridor outside of this room. They seemed to get even closer, so I picked myself up as gingerly as possible and slowly moved to the back corner of the room. I was so frightened when I heard the clicking of keys, and the lock being turned. 

I put my head in my hands and prayed that who ever had come for me wouldn't hurt me and that this is some sort of wicked dream or nightmare. I do however have to tell you that I definitely wasn't expecting the person to throw another  person into the cell as well. There was a loud thud and a groan as the person was thrown to the floor, only a few feet in front of me. 

Then as quickly as the door opened it was slammed shut, and the footsteps slowly retreated. I was left in the room with a person that I didn't even have the guts to look at. I was so scared, I wondered who it could be. Some random person, who just had to have the same crappy luck as me? To be honest I didn't really want to find out. 

This mysterious person groaned again, and I forced myself to look at him, and I couldn't believe what I saw. He looked horrible! He had cuts and bruises and what looked to be a dislocated shoulder, I almost didn't recognize him. But the truth is I did, I recognized him immediately, even through the thick layer of blood that matted his hair and stained his face. I couldn't move I was so shocked. 

" Zach!" I shouted. I ran over to his side and gently shook his shoulder. He groaned again, and I was relieved that he hadn't died on me. Figuring I would at least try to take care of his wounds, I decided to start with the dislocated shoulder. I had a little bit of first aid training when I was a lifeguard, so I knew how to fix some of his minor injuries. 

With that in mind I gently propped him up against the wall and took hold of his injured arm and popped in back into place, which took almost all of my strength to do. After that was done I wiped his face off with the rag I had found in the corner. I tried my best to wipe off all of the blood while trying not to hurt him. 

I couldn't believe that Zach, one of the most popular people in the school happened to end up here with me. His shiny dark brown hair was all matted so I did my best to remove the blood from there as well and then comb my fingers through it. After I was done, I gently laid him down on the pallet, and just watched him sleep. 

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