An Unexpected Guest

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                We had been locked away in this cell for a few long days now, with only change of the guard outside of the cell to tell us the time as they changed every two hours. We were brought a breakfast and a dinner of bread and water. Both Zach and I had lost a little weight from our poor diet, and the worst part about it was that we still didn't know what was going to happen to us.

My nightmares haven't gone away yet either, still the same haunting dream that reappears again and again, keeping me up almost all night. Zach hasn't been able to sleep either due to my screaming. Even though he still holds me when I do have them and when he does that my nightmares usually go away.

We were casually eating our sorry excuses for breakfast when we heard footsteps down the hallway, walking towards our cell door. Scooting back towards the back corner furthest from the door, the footsteps stopped and the lock of our door was being unlocked. Zach quickly ran back to join me, just as frightened of this unknown person standing at the outside of the door.

He was wearing a white medical coat, and stood at about six foot tall, with brown hair and pitch black eyes. He walked into the room and looked at both me and Zach and smiled.

"Hello, Zach and Cassie, I am Dr. Kinen and will look after you during your duration of your stay here. I am sorry for the inconvenience of this room, but I assure you that it is completely necessary for the process that we are about to begin." he explained.

"What program and why the hell are you keeping us here! What do you want from us?!" Zach yelled.

Kinen just looked at us with a sorrowful expression on his face, but I didn't think he really felt any emotions for what he was doing to us.

" I am sorry, I am not able to disclose any of that information about this, I can only tell you that you have no choice to comply with our rules and guidelines that will be set in place today." Kinen explained. 

Zach and I sat side by side while the room filled with armed guards with giant guns slung around their shoulders. They were all at least six foot tall and almost every one of them were covered with giant angry looking scars. 

"Now, I don't want to cause any trouble and I hope you don't either, so here is my first rule. When I am talking, you are never to speak unless asked a direct question to you, do you understand?" 

We both nodded our heads, wondering where this was going. I didn't think I was going to like these new circumstances and rules, but then again nobody would enjoy being held against their will and forced to comply with a completely nutty dude in a lab coat.

"Okay good, so back to the rules. Second rule; since you are my patients as of today, you will comply with out complaint to any and all tests, examinations and operations that I deem to be appropriate for the situation.

Next rule, you forbidden to leave this room unless myself or one of the guards escorts you."  Kinen was saying until his phone started to ring. He walked out of the room and the closed the door, leaving me and Zach locked in some cell with twenty armed guards. 

The guard closest to the door, was by far the scariest. He was made entirely out of muscle and looked like he could easily life a car with no problem. 

"You break these rules that the doc set, I promise I will kill you myself." He warned us then with a wave of his hand we walked out of the room and the rest of the guards followed. The door was shut and then we heard the door being locked. 

I was shaking with fear of just muscle exhaustion from not moving for a while, I didn't know. My eyes welled up with unshed tears, and I could feel myself beginning to lose my clam demeanor. I put my head in my hands and started to cry. 

The situation was just too much to handle. Apparently we had become test subjects, forced to comply with all the things that were going to be forced upon us. I need space, I needed air and a fresh breeze across my face. I wanted out of the cell! 

I started to breath really heavy and quickly not really able to catch my breath as the panic of the situation came upon me. That was when Zach snapped out of the trance he had been in since the guards first left us alone. 

"Cassie! Hey, are you okay?!" 

He scooted across the floor and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I dug my head into the crook of his neck and sobbed and sobbed while he sat there rubbing my back and whispering that everything was going to be okay. 

Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm down and to stop crying. I was so scared: the unknown was something I was never fond of. 

"Zach, what do you think he meant by operations and tests? What is he going to do? What did we deserve to get this kind of treatment?" I fiddled with my fingers as Zach pulled away from me. He looked at me with the scared eyes that I had become used to in this prison. 

"I don't know. I don't know............" 

We sat in an eery silence pondering all the horrible things that could happen to either of us. Would we die? Would we part of some absolutely insane medical test? Would we be tortured? To be perfectly honest I didn't think I really wanted to know. That knowledge would only cause me to dread what was coming more than thinking of all the possibilites. 

Zach eventually was able to get the well needed sleep that he deserved. I looked at him as he slept, with his head laying on my lap. His face looked so peaceful, a look that I wish could be permantly stamped on his face. His shaggy dirty blond hair covered the majority of his forehead and his eyes, while his lips were slightly open. I thought he looked really cute like this.

That is absolutely insane though, why of all people was i attracted to Zach? I haven't even spoken to him before we were kidnapped. He was part of the popular group and I was completely unnoticed in the school. However he was completely different than my impression of him when I saw him around at school.

I assumed he would be a cocky player who didn't really care about people's feelings, and just enjoyed playing around with many different girls. Zach is definitely not that type of person that I had first thought. He is not that person, he is sweet and cares about people. 

I started to stroke his hair out of his face and let my hand brush over his cheek. He was so warm to the touch, but not a feverish warm, but a welcoming and enjoyable warmth. Zach had been in alot and I didn't think that this innocent boy should have to deal with this. 

He still was recovering from his dislocated shoulder and hadn't regained full use of that arm yet. It pained me to see him struggle with things because of it. He was one of those people whos pride demanded that he do it himself though, and when he messed little things up I would chuckle under my breath and eventually Zach would laugh with me. 

Maybe out of all the people that I could be stuck with in this hell hole, I realized that I am glad it was Zach that was with me as selfsih as that sounds. I hated that I thought that way but at the time it was the only positive thing that I could be positive about. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2014 ⏰

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