Hermione Granger. She's Just Like me

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Scarlet's POV:
   I saw my father and walked over to him. He saw me and smiled. My Phoenix, named Alisha, flying at my side. I told her to wait for me at the school. She left. I got on the train and sat with my father.
  "How are you, Father?"
  "I'm good Scar. You?"
  "Fine. So what are you teaching?"
  "Defense Against the Dark Arts."
  "I can't wait."
   With that we leaned into the corners of the compartment and fell asleep.
   Everything went cold soon. I heard the door creak open. Father and I stood up. They didn't see us yet. Three boys and two girls. I could hear them breathing.
   I looked at the door and saw a dementor. I froze. I had a horrible reaction to these things. I always get so scared I scream and faint. I did scream. I then fainted. I woke up as warm air hit me. I opened my eyes to see we were at Hogsmade. I also saw my father was carrying me.
  "Thank you Father. You can put me down now."
   I saw three people looking at me.
  "Do you need something?"
   The girl spoke up.
  "I'm sorry. I'm Hermione Granger."
  "Ron Weasley."
  "Harry Potter."
  "Nice to meet you all. I'm..."
  "Why didn't you do anything when you heard my name?"
  "Well Harry. I know you must hate it. I do."
  "I'm Princess Scarlet Lupin. Nice to meet you."
   Harry and Ron were staring at me. Hermione was smirking.
  "I knew I recognized you. We're going to be best friends."
  "Thank you Hermione. We must get going."
   Hermione, Father, and I got in the same carriage. When we arrived I was told, by Dumbledore, to walk in when he said my name. Minerva went through all the first years. I heard Dumbledore.
  "Now let us welcome our new transfer student. She came all the way from Voltera, Italy. Princess Scarlet Lupin."
   I walked in. My robes flew around my legs. I walked up and sat on the stool. My back was very straight.
   They all gasped. I came up with an idea.
  "Why don't I be in all houses? I can choose one to be with when I want to. I can just have the Hogwarts symbol on my robes."
  "Great idea Princess."
   My hair turned red. Yes I'm a metamorphagus. Anyway.
  "Don't call me Princess!"
   My voice was very loud. Everyone but Father flinched. Father ran over to me.
  "Sweetie calm down. He didn't know."
   I nodded but my hair stayed red. I went and sat next to Hermione. She was just finishing her D.A.D.A book.
  "You're just finishing?"
  "Yes. Have you?"
  "I read all of mine the moment I got them."
   Harry and Ron groaned. Hermione and I glared at them.
  "Great. Just what we need. Another Hermione."
   We just laughed.

Princess Scarlet Lupin *Remus Lupin's daughter*Where stories live. Discover now