The Full Moon and Sirius

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Scarlet's POV:
  " Scar. Get up."
  " No!"
  " We have to go to your dad's office."
  " Fine!"
   I got up and smacked Hermione. She just laughed. I got dressed then remembered something.
  " Hermione! Today's Buckbeak's death."
  " Let's wait. It's at seven-forty. Let's go outside with Star."
   I nodded and grabbed our sleeping kitten. Only a few more days until the end of the year. We had owled Hermione's parents telling them about the problem. They said she can stay with me and Dad. Yay. It's seven-thirty. Right now Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I are walking to Hagrid's. It turns out Ron's rat is alive. Harry gets hit in the head with something and turns around. We all see the minister. We run. We wait from a distances. We heard a chop then a whole bunch of crows. Hermione and I cried on Harry's shoulders.
  " Scabbers stop moving. Stop... Ouch! He bit me! Scabbers come back."
   Ron chased after the rat. He caught him. Next to the Whomping Willow.
  " Harry, Hermione, and Scarlet look out. It's the grim!"
   We turned around to see a black dog. It was Sirius. He jumped over our heads and grabbed Ron's leg by accident. He dragged him into the hole. We finally get in.
  " Harry! It's a trap! He's the grim. He's an animagus!"
   We turned to see who Ron was pointing at. It was Sirius. Harry attacked him. Dad joined us soon. He made the wands fly out of hands. My wand was still with me. I felt Star moving in my pocket so I took him out. Harry figured it out.
  " You're werewolves. Aren't you? Hermione did you know this? They're helping the man who betrayed my parents."
  " Enough! It wasn't Sirius? Ron give me your bloody rat. Now."
   He handed me the rat. We explained the whole story. A spell was shot at the rat and he became Pettigrew. Snape walked in. I shot a spell at him.
We're walking outside the shack with a levitating Snape. Harry is talking to Sirius. I walk over and join them. I give Sirius a hug.
" So what're you two talking about?"
" Why should I tell you Scarlet?"
" I'm hurt. I though my second cousin loved me. I guess not!"
" I still love you. And Harry's my godson."
" Cool. Not everyday..."
I was cut of by pain. I walked to father and Hermione. Ron was clutching Star. After the shift we howled.
Night's POV ( Scarlet's wolf):
I saw the human holding Star. I growled at him. He was holding my baby. The boy dropped him. He meowed in pain. Snow and I rushed to him. Snow picked him up by his scruff. I saw Sirius. I growled at him when he attacked Dad. Snow and I rushed to the trees. We fell asleep protecting Star.

Princess Scarlet Lupin *Remus Lupin's daughter*Where stories live. Discover now