My Little Protector

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Scarlet's POV:
I walked upstairs to the Gryfindor CR. I said the password and walked in. I was attacked by Hermione. I freaked out and grabbed my wand.
  " Stupify!"
   She flew into the couch. I recognized her and ran to her. She was shocked.
  " How'd you know that spell?"
   I laughed at her.
  " We had more progression in Italy."
   She nodded. I soon heard a small noise. Hermione did too. We looked around. I soon came across a tiny black kitten. I saw it's paw dangling in and unusual angle. I gasped and took it to Father.
I burst in the classroom to find him at his desk. He looked up.
" Yes Scar?"
" Can you help him?"
I held out the kitten. He nodded.
" Because he's an animal I can't use magic to heal him. We'll have to give him a little cast."
" As long as it helps him."
Father made a cast for the little guy. I hugged and thanked him. Then I went back to the C.R. When I got there Hermione asked if the little guy was alright.
" Yes he is. What should we name him?"
" How about Moon?"
" No. What about Star? He has a star on his chest after all."
" Perfect. Let's make him a little home."
I nodded. We went to the dorm. I laid a sleeping Star on his new bed. Hermione and I fell asleep soon.
The next day we got our schedules. We have the exact same thing. We looked at each other. I showed her my time turner. She showed me hers.
The next day we were walking to D.A.D.A. We sat down. 'Mione was holding star close to her chest. Father walked in soon.
" If everyone will follow me. We will only need our wands."
I left my stuff. I grabbed Star from Hermione causing her to pout. When we got to the room we were going to I saw Snape. I glared at him.
" Can anyone tell me what a Boggart looks like?"
Hermione raised her hand.
" Yes Hermione?"
" Nobody knows what one looks like. They take form of what a person fears the most."
" Exactly. Now we have an advantage. Harry can you tell me what it is?"
" Uh... Is it because there are so many of us?"
" Correct. Now Neville what are you most afraid of?"
" Professor Snape."
" Ah. And you live your grandmother, correct?"
" Yes, but I don't want it to turn to her either."
Father just laughed. He gave Neville instructions. The wardrobe opened. Snape walked out.
" R-Ridickuls."
Snape now was dressed in a red dress, handbag, and a hat with a vulture on it. We all laughed. Soon it was my turn. The Boggart became a dead Hermione, Father, and Star they were under a full moon. I screamed. Father walked in front of it. It turned into a full moon. I went into a trance. It soon disappeared.
" Hermione. Scar. I would like to talk to you two."
We nodded. Hermione was holding Star now because of my fear. We followed him to his office. I took Star from Hermione again and held him close. I but my chin on his fuzzy little body. When we stopped Father tuned around.
" Scar, I'd like to ask about your fear."
" Alright. What do you want to know?"
" Your fear has always been like mine. Why the sudden change?"
" When I met Hermione it changed. It changed again when we found our little Star."
" Professor. May I ask something?"
" Sure. What is it Hermione?"
" Are you two werewolves?"
" Yes. We are. Please don't tell anyone."
" Don't worry Professor."
" Call me Remus. Or Moony."
" Thank you Moony."
" So. How is the little thing? I see you take him everywhere."
" He's somewhat better. We always hold him because we're afraid he'd hurt himself again. Bye Dad. We have to go to the Common Room."
He looked shocked. I never called him dad. Not since Italy. I guess it's warring off.
We walked into someone on our way upstairs. It was Sirius. I knew he was innocent. Star hissed and growled away him. Star must've sensed Hermione's fear. I gave Sirius a hug then turned around.
  " He's innocent. I'll explain later. Let's go."
   The stair way was jammed. Sirius scratched the Fat Lady's portrait. We all headed down to the Great Hall. Hermione and I slept right next to each other with Star in between us. He's protecting us.

Princess Scarlet Lupin *Remus Lupin's daughter*Where stories live. Discover now