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Scarlet's POV:
   Dad, Hermione, I went to the Burrow so we could go with the Weasley's to the Quidditch World Cup. I got somehow managed to fail at getting him to stay at Hogwarts. Harry tried as well, but nothing worked.
   When we got to the Burrow we were attacked by hugs. I growled at them. I really don't like hugs, and I'm also holding Star. Harry kinda jumped when I growled. It was quite funny.
   I fell asleep in my own room. I didn't like it. I'm used to sharing a room with Snow and Star. I kept waking up. I woke up once more very early so I just helped Molly prepare breakfast.
   When we walked through the forest we suddenly stopped. I looked around and saw a man. I didn't know him so I just hid behind Dad. I heard someone jumped down behind me do I jumped and screamed. I ran to the other side of Dad and hid my face in his chest.
   The boy laughed at me so I became mad. I growled lowly but scary. He continued to laugh so I glared at him then growled louder. He just laughed. My hair turned a fiery red. Everyone stepped back.
" Cedric! Shut up! She'll literally attack you!"
I shifted into my wolf form and growled. Dad and Hermione did the same. They stood in front of me. Dad growled loudly. My body forces me to bow in submission.
   I fought it. As I rose Dad sank. When I stood up tall Dad was in a submissive position. I knew it then and there. I became an alpha.
We shifted back. The three of us were surprised. Me more than them. I'm alpha. I started to feel very faint. I don't want to be alpha.
  " As alpha, I give the position to you. Dad, you're once again alpha."
   He nods. We look at Hermione. She's just staring at Dad. I remember that we're both fourteen. The age we find our mates. Dad must be Hermione's mate.
   I watch as their eyes meet. They both freeze. I smile at them and snap my fingers in front of their faces. They snap out of it and smile at each other.
I push my dad to my best friend and they grab hands. I just smile but then it falls. I haven't found my mate yet. I let out a sigh before heading up to the front.
When we reach the portkey, I grab a hold of it. I don't pay attention. I think of what I'd want my mate to look like. Golden brown hair, tall, smart, brave, loyal. Oh My Merlin! I just described Cedric Diggory! I was snapped out of my thoughts when Arthur yelled.
" Let go kids!"
Hermione looked at him.
" What?!"
" Let go!"
I do as he says and I end up landing on my back. I scream as I feel immense pain but I can't feel my leg. I lay there looking at the sky. Soon everyone's gathered around me. Dad speaks up.
" Come on Scar. Get up."
I speak and it comes out as a whisper.
" I can't."
" Why not?"
" I can't feel my leg." I say before passing out.
When I wake up I'm in St.Mungo's. I sit up, but I still can't feel my leg. I look over and see Dad.
" What happened?"
" You've paralyzed your right leg. You can't walk. You need crutches. We need to get you to Hogwarts. You've missed the first two weeks."
My dad helps me with my crutches and helps me to the checkout. After that he hands me my wand and we apparate to the Hogwarts gates.
" Please tell Hermione I miss her."
   I kiss my dad's cheek and nod before going to the Great Hall. When I enter, everyone looks at me. Hermione, Harry, Fred, George, Ginny, and Ron run to me. I smile as they hug me.
I look at Dumbledore. He smiles and stands up. This grabs everyone's attention.
" Everyone give a nice welcome back to Miss Lupin. She paralyzed her right leg and no magic can fix it."
Every Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff cheer and clap for me as I'm helped to my house table. I sit in between Hermione and Fred.
   I look at the Hufflepuff table. I meet the eyes if Cedric Diggory. I freeze as memories flow through me. I smile and look at my plate.
   I see the twins piling meat on it. I look at my plate with disgust. Before the cup, I became a vegetarian. The meat disappeared and was replaced by salad. I smile and start to eat it. When I'm done I turn to Hermione.
  " My dad says he misses you."
   She blushes as I got up to leave. I grab my crutches and go to the common room. Luckily I was told the password.
I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around. I saw Cedric and smiled.
" What was that? Earlier?"
" It means you're my mate. You can reject me though. If you want to."
I look down as I speak the last two sentences. Cedric puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head up. He kisses me so I kiss back. He pulls away and speaks up.
" I would never reject you."
" Don't you have a girlfriend?"
   Cedric just laughed, said no, and told me to go to my dorm. This is gonna be a great year, I thought to myself. Or so I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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