chapter eight

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I picture Sujin as SinB from Gfriend, but you can picture her as anyone you want.

(Don't forget Sujin is always wearing glasses lol)

I kept hearing Taehyung honk his car even though. I stood right in front of it. What I just realized is that this is another car and this car was a convertible.

"Get in already." He said annoyed and I make my way slowly and precise, sitting down on the passenger seat.

"Did you get a new car?" I ask once he started to drive and my hair flew everywhere. I had to hold it down on both of the sides.

"No. This is one of my many." He states as he drove through the streets. Many people recognized him or recognized this really expensive car just driving up to this street.

I stayed silent the whole time while the GPS kept reaping the way out loud, so freaking annoying.

Once we reached. Suelgi's house is pretty far into the land side. So she can blast the loudest music ever and none of her neighbors can hear it since her house is the only one on this block.

Taehyung parked the car right in the front where an open space was. You can already hear the music blasting from inside and hear some people from the outside cheering.

We both step out of the car and Taehyung walks in front while I follow from behind. Once we walked up the doorsteps, he turns and stares at me for a brief second before opening the door and walking in. Grabbing the peoples attention from around. The house pretty much smelled like alcohol and the air was warm.

"Taehyung!! My man. Who's this pretty little lady?" Some drunk guy said coming out of know where and slinging his arms around Taehyung, but unfortunately Taehyung removed himself from his embrace and rolled his eyes before walking away into the crowd leaving me to stand with the drunk guy who noticed I was all alone now.

He was about to speak before I cut him off. "I gotta pee." I said quickly and walked away leaving the drunk guy and making my way through the crowd.

Some girl's eyed me from the side while I walked around trying to find at least a place to sit down.

While I was walking I accidentally bumped into a girl, which caused her to spill her drink a little on the floor. She turned to me and gave off a pissed of look.

"Watch where your going." She said angrily. I realized it was the same girl who got her magazines ruined because of me a couple of days ago.

"Hey, your V's new girlfriend." She stated once she realized who I was.

"Uhh, I have to pee," I quickly said again and walked away while she shouted. I just realized I lost Taehyung in the crowd, great I broke rule # 2.

I walk in the living room where the music wasn't really loud and remembering the times how Suelgi and I danced to old trot songs in this particular room.

I notice the couch was surprisingly empty and I sat down in the side observing everyone. I don't even see Suelgi and she's the host of this party. I awkwardly sit alone and start to fiddle with my side purse.

"I hate parties," A familiar voice said before sitting down next to me. I turn my head to the side and see Jimin holding a plate of food and munching on a chip.

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