Dax, Chapter 7

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This Laen Booker was quite intelligent, and the fact that he was a class three is what gave Dax the answer of why. Class threes work harder to make a living, which means they're out more to observe the people and everything around them. Despite his father's views and his fellow first classes, Dax had the utmost respect for the lower classes, because even though it's viewed as they're not born great, they prove they are through hard work and honest living. It's not really something you'd be able to find in class ones, since they're often overly arrogant (a deadly trait Dax shares) and rude, and can't see the world through the small opening that's left after having their head shoved so far up their arses.

Laen Booker....Laen.. Booker. Something about this name was familiar and Dax couldn't quite recall just what it was that made it so familiar. As Dax was in deep thought, both Laen and Sergeant Ukobach spoke. The Artemisian's movements were what broke his thoughts as he watched them try to scoot away in an odd manner. It's face was also a bright pink when they did so. Dax realized that Laen revealed skin, which to Artemisians was probably embarrassing. It was either that or the sergeant was squeamish of blood, which Dax didn't really think that since it was obvious they was made for war; one of the bloodiest things around. Blood had never fazed Dax, so when he became a Doctor, it was easier to focus on the task at hand rather than try to adjust to working with the crimson liquid.

"Please tell me you have a dermal regenerator in there. We just landed on this ship and I don't want it to get blown up under our feet."

"I don't have one in the bag, I've got one in my pocket. In the bag are smaller, basic medical supplies which I'll be needing to use on you since a dermal regenerator only successfully heals superficial wounds like scrapes and burns, like the freeze burn you've got around the outer parts. Something like this larger wound would be healed slowly using a bioregenerative field and lots of healing time; but since we're not at home and you've got a blood poisoning spreading rapidly and I can't treat you with decontamination cream therapy; I'm going to have to illegally treat you with my home remedy. If we get back, I can fully repair you like new, but for now you're going to have to let your body do the rest of the work after I'm finished. But from the looks of it, you're lucky you got blasted off that ship for that long because if you hadn't you would have been long gone by the time the rest of us got here. Right now I'm going to have to inject you with these nanogenes. Don't worry; they'll do their job to fix you up, but I'm going to have to stitch your skin back together while they get a feel of your DNA, etc. So I can stop the bleeding. But right now I need to clean and dress your wound. This will hurt, so try not to be too loud." He said, all while pulling out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and pouring some on the gash. "I would inject you with numbing solutions, but I used them all on my last patient. Unlucky, he was. Both of his legs were chopped clean off by some piece of flying debris. Probably from your ship, too." Dax then took out a pair of medical scissors and latex gloves, put on the gloves and then used the scissors to cut off dead flesh from inside the wound to access other parts more. "Since it's already infected with poisoning, the hydrogen peroxide will help destroy some of the germs so further infections are prevented." Patting the wound dry after it fizzed for a couple minutes, Dax then began to dig around in the bag for care and healing ointments. "I'll put this on you to help lessen the pain and begin the healing process. It'll also help block the blood from escaping because of it's lovely clotting properties." He explained as he rubbed some around on his gloves and then patted it on the wound. "It'll take a few minutes for that to soak in, and then I'll inject you with the nanogenes, stitch you together and then use the dermal regenerator on your top skin so it can heal together and seal off your wound to prevent further infections." He explained to Laen while he ointment did it's job, and then he continued working swiftly. "As for everything else, I only have antibiotics, and so you'll have to take those to try and aid your body and the nanogenes while they work together, and to make sure that everything is okay."

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