Let's Fly

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I'm dedicating this one-shot to @ohsnapitzcloe, who promoted me in another book (Lunar Problems by @keelafairie) and has been one of my most enthusiastic supporters. Thanks!

This one-shot has WINTER SPOILERS


Thorne strutted around the cockpit, examining every nook and cranny. He dusted off a crate and sat down on it.

Cress sat next to him, her calves banging against the metal.

"Looks pretty much untouched," he said, nodding approvingly and scanning his surroundings again. "Though, my Venezuelan Dream Dolls are all gone..."

Cress laughed. "Well, what did you expect, Captain? President Vargus isn't going to let priceless artifacts stay on your ship."

"I'd expect him to be polite." He cast a sly smile at her, then grabbed her hands and swung her up from the crate dancing around the cockpit. He finished by putting his arms around her waist and lowering her close to the ground, like they were doing a tango. "Stealing isn't polite."

"It isn't, now?" She raised an eyebrow up at him. "And you call yourself a gentleman."

"I didn't say I was polite." He swung her up again and twirled her around till she got dizzy and fell foreword onto his chest. They laughed, and Thorne gazed into her eyes, smiling. He pushed a hair behind her ear, and she blushed.

His eyebrows suddenly shot up. "I've got an idea!"

Cress was so surprised by this sudden outburst that she stumbled, but Thorne caught her, righting her at arm's length.

"Captain?" she said skeptically.

"I'm going to teach you how to fly," he replied, beaming like he'd just offered her a great treasure, or maybe a Venezuelan Dream Doll.

"Fly?" She tilted her head curiously. "Why would I need to know how to fly?"

"What if we're attacked, Cress!" he exclaimed, and began strutting around the room like it was a red carpet. "What if you are found in a situation where you need to escape, and you don't know how to fly a podship!?"

"Okay..." Cress furrowed her brow. "But, who would attack us?"

Thorne shrugged. "I dunno. Power-crazed Lunars who aren't too happy with the new monarchy? Everyone one knows us and the ship we're in, an attack is a possibility!"

"Alright, alright. So, you want to teach me how to fly." Thorne nodded excitedly, still grinning.

Cress thought for a moment.

"When do we start?"


By the way, I'm taking prompts for one-shots.

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