Star Wars

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AU because...I just...really like Star Wars.

Also in honor of the new movie that came out yaaaay.

If you don't know Star Wars you probably won't get this.


"Hey! Hey! Thorne, wake up!"

Thorne groaned. His head was was spinning like a top, and his brain was foggier than Degoba.

Yeah, he'd been.

He tried to sit up, big mistake. White spots flashed in his vision and he fell back to the hard, grate floor.

"You should probably stay down for now."

"Will do," he murmured, rubbing his forehead. When his eyes focused, he found himself staring up at the ceiling of...something.

Where was he?

"Where am I?" he asked, finally sitting up with a great effort. "Who are you?"

"Oh, haha, very funny, Thorne." That voice, he recognized that voice. He blinked, and again, the shapes came into focus.

A girl was kneeling in front of him, peeking out the door. She looked tense, ready to pounce like a predator hunting for its prey. One hand was on her hip, where a weapon hung, a lightsaber.

Oh, Cinder. Cinder and her weird Jedi 'may the force be with you' mumbo jumbo.

Thorne must've hit his head pretty hard to have forgotten her.

"We're in a supply closet, who knew Star Destroyers had supply closets?" Thorne looked around him. It was cramped, but he could tell she was right. A small droid, probably just a cleaning unit, stood in the far corner. It beeped when he saw it.

"Is that thing--?"

"Don't worry, I've already disabled its communication systems," Cinder said quickly. "It won't be alerting anyone. Now, come on, we've got to get moving."

She stood, and Thorne did his best to follow. He still felt a little woozy, but he managed to stay on two legs. Cinder opened the door and they fled out.

Most of the hallways were abandoned except for droids, since they were in the sanitation wing. The lights were dimming rapidly.

"Is that...?"

"Cress? Yeah. She's reverting all the power to one place so the whole thing will short-circuit."

Cress, that's right, she was on this mission too, and she was obviously doing a good job.

Thorne couldn't help a twinge of pride.

It took them a couple more minuets of stalking around for Thorne to realize they were being followed. He told Cinder to stop, and they turned around.

The droid from the supply closet was still there. It beeped in an indignant way. Could droids be indignant?

"D'you know what it's saying?" Thorne murmured to Cinder.

"Yeah," Cinder replied. " wouldn't want to know."

"Should I just shoot 'im?" Thorne asked, taking out his blaster.

Thorne and Cress One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now