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You can probably guess what's going to happen.

Prompted by: @keelafairie

Spoilers for Winter!


Nerves never got the better of Carswell Thorne, no sir.

Well, except for now.

But, usually, he was the dapper, cunning, handsome man that was in the dreams of every girl he'd met.

His smile was heart-stopping, his words smooth and endearing. He should not have been nervous at all, it was her that should be.

Except, he was, dreadfully nervous.

These thoughts buzzed in his head as he stood on the balcony, leaning against the newly made banister. Well, actually, it wasn't really that new, it'd been set up years ago, ages, a couple months after Cinder had defeated Levana.

Aces, Thorne hadn't thought of that in awhile. The last month, his thoughts had been thoroughly consumed.

Thorne looked down at the sheer drop over the banister, where the water of Artemisia lake was lapping against the white sand.

She would say yes, wouldn't she?

Thorne stuffed his hand into his pocket for the hundredth time and pulled out a small black box. His whole future was kept inside that box, all his hopes and dreams, everything he'd ever be.

With shaking fingers, he held it. Maybe his hands were too unstable, maybe he just kind of wanted to let go of the box, to let go of all the responsibility that went with it, but, nevertheless, the box slipped from his fingers.

He scrambled after it, but he wasn't fast enough, it fell, falling falling.

Until suddenly, it stopped.

The box hung in the air between metal fingers. Thorne looked to his side.

"Cinder!?" Thorne yelped, stumbling back. "W-when did you get here?"

"Just now," the cyborg said absentmindedly, like she was saving wedding rings from falling over banisters every day. She brought the box back onto the balcony with her, turning it over in her hands. "Is this what I think it is?"

"No," Thorne snapped, snatching the box away.

Cinder's brown eyes danced with humor. "Right, when are you planning to do it?"

Thorne sniffed. "I don't know what you're talking about. I this ring for myself." He took out the ring, a white diamond that sparkled like starlight, and tried to fit it on his ring finger. It didn't work, of course, so he put it on his pinky. "It, erm, shrunk in the wash. A guy's got to treat himself, doesn't he?"

"Okay..." Cinder walked to the screen door that led to the throne room. "Should I get Cress?"

"No, no!" Thorne floundered forward, grabbing Cinder's wrist. Cinder turned around, an eyebrow raised.

Thorne sighed. "Alright, alright. You got me, it's not my ring. It is for Cress."

"Should I get her, then?"

"No!" Thorne's eyes were pleading. "I'm just...I'm just not ready."

"Listen, Thorne." She put her hand on his shoulder. "She is utterly head over heels for you. Trust me, all you need to do is ask, and she'll say yes."

"You're sure?" Thorne asked, a little desperate.

She smiled. "I'm sure. Now, I'll go get her."


Cinder watched as Thorne lowered on one knee, as he pulled out the little black box and opened it, revealing the beautiful ring. She watched as Cress gasped and whipped her hands to her face, tears glistening in her eyes, and tackled Thorne in a hug.

Cinder smiled.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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