The Introduction

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Christia Blu P.O.V.

After that Anna jumped out my car and headed for the backyard. I fallowed close behind her and told her which way to turn and stuff like that. When we stepped outside the whole pack was waiting and my father was in the very back on the stage that was set up last night. The pack cleared a path for me and Anna to the stage. By this time were standing side by side, as we were walking Anna grabbed my hand. I locked my fingers with hers and we walked to the stage hand in hand. Anna received jealous glares from most of the girls in the pack and I got grins from most of the guys. We madde it to the stage and I tried to let go of Anna's hand but she wouldn't let mine go. She gave me a pleading, I'm scared look so I relocked my fingers with hers.

"Hello, I am Cornelius Johnathan Blu, Alpha of the Blue Blood Pack."

"Hi, I I'm Anna,Annabella Sp Spencer Edington." The way Anna crumbbled under my dad supprised me. She was always so strong and confident, but now she was the complete opposite. But I guess that's normal since he's Alpha of the strongest pack in the world. Not to be cocky or anything but it's a fact.

"So I will be allowing you to join my pack........ after you complete the challenges at hand." While my dad spoke he motioned toward the open feild behined him that had an opstical on it. "If you can not complete the challenges than you have no business in this pack. If you fail at completing the opstical than you will be escorted to your home, where you will pack your things. Then you will be escorted out of my territory, is this understood?" My fathers voice was clear, a little loud but it held a steady tone and like usual held a lot of authority.

Anna took a moment to answer, no doubt thinking about her family. "Yes, Sir."

Annabella Edington P.O.V.

After that Kira was silent. But the Alpha was still talking.

"Okay, Christian, take her and get her ready."

"But there are people for that."

I heard a growl and the Alphas' power grew if that is even posible. When he spoke it was quiet but fierce, which made it ten times scarier. "You will not disrespect me, soon to be Alpha or not. I am still Alpha of this pack and you are still my son. You want her in this pack, so you will prepare her. Is that understood." By the time he stopped talking I was cowering behind Chris. But Chris stood....tall. As if nothing just happened. The power that was always radiating off him grew almost to the same stregnth as his dad. I had never felt so much power and stregnth in my life.

When Chris finally spoke his voice was just like his fathers."Yes, sir." Clearly he and his dad are alike. After that he turned his back on his dad and began walking away. We were still holding hands so I was dragged behind him. While we were walking people tried to talk to him but he only growled at them. I thought they would get mad at him but instead they did what I did every time he growled. They cowered back and looked at the ground as he kept walking. We finally stopped in front of a door. Chris opened the door then turned to me. His voice was the same as it had been when he last spoke.

"You will change in here. Then you will go back outside. Is that understood." And with every word he said I cowered back. The only reason I didn't fall was because he was still holding my hand. Which by now was reder then ever, since he had been squeezing it ever since him and his dad's "talk."

"O. Okay." My head was hung low and I refussed to look him in the eye. I felt his grip on my hand loosen and his hand under my chin. He gently pushed my chin up so that I was looking at him. His features had softened and his eyes were back to their original color. He smiled at me with a warm comforting smile.

"I'm sorry." His voice wasn't it's usual sarcastic cocky tone, it was more loving, and apolagetic. I couldn't help but smile.

"It's okay." I was still scared, but not as much.

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