Worst Birthday EVER!!

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Annabella Edington P.O.V.

I screamed out in what I thought was pain, but after a split second it turned into pleasure. I wanted him and I couldn't control it. But this was all happening to fast for me. My knees gave out and I fell into him. He caught me with ease, but I didn't want him to touch me because it only made the want and need for him grow. I mean yeah, he just bit me! I wanted to fight against him and make him let me go but any strength I had left the moment his teeth penetrated my skin. All my emotions were going crazy and I just wanted my family. This was the worst birthday ever. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms not able to stay awake any longer. Today was taking a tole on me and all I needed now was sleep.

I woke up and saw Chris laying beside me on the bed. He put on a pair of basketball shorts but no shirt. Damn he's sexy. I heard him cuckle and then he turned over, and look at me.

Then I heard something weird. I heard him inmy head. "Thanks Princess. You're sexy too." He chuckled a little after he talked and he was grinning like an idiot. Me on the other hand. Well I had a confused look on my face I knew I did because when he looked at me his grin faded. "What's wrong?"

"Get out of my head!" I wasn't sure what was happening but I knew I was mad.

"Shhhhh, why are you yelling. I was just mind-linking you."

"How? I'm not in your pack."

"Because I claimed you........" He left the sentence hanging and now he looked confussed. Was that supposed to mean something to me? And waht dose "claimed me" mean anyways?

"You what me?!"

"I calimed you."

"Okay remeber how I said I was never in a pack, Yeah that kinda means I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Right I'm sorry, I forgot. Okay when we were in the woods and I bit you, well that's claiming. I'm not sure how to explain exactly what it dose, but I'll try."

"Oh, yeah I almost forgot. YOU FUCKING BIT ME YOU SOCIOPATH!"

"I'm not a sociopath, I was doing what all werewolves do to their mates."

"OKAY SO YOU'RE SAYING ALL WEREWOLVES ARE SOCIOPATHS!" He growled and it made me jump, I didn't even bother to growl back I was scared an he knew it.



After I said that he growled at me and I could tell he was beyond pissed. He was going to grab me but I jumpped off the bed and made a run for it. Chris was right behind me almost in touching range. When we made it outside we both shifted.

We kept running for about twenty or so minutes before I saw my house. I shifted and ran for the back door, and Chris did the same. I knew he could hear my thoughts so I decided to talk to him. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"STOP RUNNING FROM ME." by the time he said that I was at my back door. I opened it as fast as I could than shut and locked it right before he grabbed the handle. Which did nothing to stop him, he grabbed the handle of the door and opened it as if it wasn't locked. The door ripped of it's hinges and peices of wood went everywhere. With all the force he used he practically ripped the whole door frame out with the door. He tossed the door to the side and then looked at me. I was standing on the other side of my door, ummm were my door used to be. I stared at him and he stared right back. We were looking eachother right in the eye, and if our stares could kill then we would both be dead.

I wasn't going to give in and be the weaker person and neither was he. So we stood there on either side of my now broken door frame, naked and staring at eachother with death stares.


Then something hit me. Why haven't my parents called me yet?! And once again I heard his voice in my head.

"Because I asked them if I could have you for the week. And they said yeah." I didn't want him in my head so I stopped talking to him trough our... mind-link.

"Even though it was my birthday?"

"I said my family had a speacial thing planned for you, which they did. So they siad to tell you they love you and Happy Birthday."

"But where are they?"

"I sent them on a trip, to Hawaii. So they wouldn't take you."

"Ughhh, you don't own me, so just stay out my life."

"I'm your mate Anna. You're MINE."

"No I'm not. I don't care if you're my mate or not. I. DON'T. WANT. YOU!"

After I said that he dropped his gaze to the floor. And his features softened. This was the first time I had ever seen him look vulnerable. And when he spoke I could hear the hurt and pain in his voice.

Christian Blu P.O.V.

The last thing Anna said to me hit me hard. My whole body started to ache and there were sharp pains all over the place. I felt like I was being stabbed everywhere. I could barley stand, and all my energy and power was slowly slipping away. I could feel my heart tearing into two

She was rejecting me.

I used all the streangth I had and forced myself to speak.

"Are you rejecting me?" I knew if I heard her say it then I would loose any streangth I had left but I needed to know she wasn't. She took a little while to answer and the longer she took the more the pain grew.

"I don't know?" She said it in more of a question tone, which scarred me because it ment she wasn't sure on her desicion. After she spoke the little streanght I had left me and I fell.

I Woke up in my room at the pack house. The first thing I did was sit up and look for Anna. But I only saw one person.


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