Pure Blood

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Cornelius Blu (Chris's Dad)P.O.V.

I was on my way to the Alpha meeting, in Oregen. We were almost there when Charen said she has to use the restroom. "Can't you wait, baby. We're almost there."

"No, I really need to go. Yoou wanted kids, now you have them and I have a messed up blatter."

"Okay, okay I'm sorry. I'll pull over." We stopped at the first gass station I saw and Charen jumpped out the car. She was Luna so she made even speed walking elegant. Her long light brown hair gracefully cascaded down her back, and her light tan skin shinned in the morning sun. While her emerald green eyes were shining with exciment and love.

When she got back in the car she was eating a donut and had the biggest smile on her face. It made me happy to see me smile."What." she had a curious, sarcastic tone which made me chuckle.

"Really a donut. I thought you had to use the restroom." I had a sarcastic tone since I was messing with her.

"Well I haven't had one in forever, since someone always says;" She changed her tone to mock my normal serious voice."No junck food, we can only have healthy food, or we'll die." She gigled a little when she was done, and then grinned at me.

"I don't sound like that and I've never said that." I knew my voice was more of a sarcastic pleading tone.

"Okay whatever you say." We laughed a little more and then I saw the hotel we would be staying at. We pulled into the parking garage of the Hyatt Regency and the Vale parked the car, and a bell boy came and took our bags. We walked up to our room and our bags were already there. We took a shower and then got dressed for dinner with Alpha Stanton, we are in his territory and all the Alphas have to check in so we know how is here and will be attending the meeting. When we were done we went outside and one of the vales got our car, it was a fifteen minute drive to his house.

We pulled into the driveway and I parked the car. One of his garuds opened our doors and walked us to the front door of his house. His sons,James Jr. and Peter, were at the door to greet us. Charen went in and went to the living room with the other Lunas and I went to Stantons meeting office. I walked in to see all the Alpha sitting down. When I stepped in they all stood up and And bowed their heads respetfully at me, I gave them all a nod and then sat down in my seat at the head of the table.

I know you're probably think why are they treating you so diffrent you're not royalty? But I am, my blood line is the only pure blood line left. Pure bloods, are what people would call royalty in the werewolf world. You're probably wondering what happened to the rest of the Pure bloods. Well there was a war between werewolves and werecats (any form of shifter cats.)

There was peace between all shifter but like usual the damn cats thought they were better than everyone else. Since the werewolves ruled over all shifter, which we still do, the stupid cats attacked us to try and take rule over everything. Since back then the Alphas were all pure blooded the cats went after them first. The werewolves won of course but since so many cats attacked the Alphas one by one while they were trying to protect their families most didn't servive. The cats killed anyone they saw women, children, etc. Their main goal was the Alphas' family, so that they could stop the pure blood line and make wolves weaker. They succeeded with their plan of killing all the Alphas and their family except one. My great great great grandfather was the only pure blood left alive. His mother hid him and some other children in the safe room, and then went to help his dad and pack. The war lasted three days, he and the other children staied in the safe room alone. He was seven when his family and pack were murdered. His dad had been training him since he could walk to be Alpha, but he still had much to learn. He was found during the inspections when the last of his pack was looking for survivers. They only found him becuase they could feel their Alpha, they thought it was his father. When they opened the door to the safe room the saw him, he wasn't crying or huddled up in the cornner, he was in his defenceive stance ready to fight whoever entered the room. The power of an Alpha was radiating off of him and people say he had so much power when they were next to him it wasn't that of a child. Since he was a pure blood his power was greater, and he was now an Alpha but the power he was exuding was more than they had ever seen. With him being seven his pack and the other packs thought it would be best to appoint someone Alpha till he's old enough, but he said "No I will lead my pack as my father before me, I may be seven but I will not let my age stop me, and neither should you." They didn't challenge him on what he said, and he did just that. He may have even been a better Alpha than his father. His pack grew to be the strongest and largest. The only thing we have left of the pure bloods are pictures of them, some in wolf from and some in human.

"Alpha Blu, you called this meeting. May I ask why?" Stantons voice was curious at first but he covered it with his Alpha vioce well.

"There was a rouge that has just recently joined my pack."

"I don't undersatnd rouges join packs all the time?" Alpha Scott asked.

"Well when this rouge did the opstical course, she did it as if it was nothing." After I spoke I heard Alpha Jackson speak.

"Thats impossible. That course was made by the pure bloods, to make it hard on regular wolves. If anything she it should've been even harder for her, if she's a rouge." When he siad rouge it mad me growl, he said it with disgust. I knew that when I spoke my voice was deadly.

"Watch how you speak, Jackson. that is a member of my pack ,and my sons mate." He lowered his head in respect and fear, and his voice was causious.

"I'm sorry." The Alpha's talked among themselve to think of how it was posible. I looked up at one of the pictures on the wall, to see a wolf? I was a little freaked out so I knew my voice had a curious tone to it, not because it wasa wolf but because I've seen it before.

"I've seen that wolf before." All the Alphas looked at me and than at the picture I was starring at.

"I'm sure you have a picture of her somewhere in your house. It's Alpha Edington, she's a pure blood."

"What's her story."

"Her mate was human, so her family wanted her to be with a werewolf but she refussed. She became Alpha of her pack and led it to glory. But she was killed in the war."

"What's her mates story."

"He was with his family, at a wedding when the war happened. It was his name that she took when they married. It was unusual to her family since she was an Alpha they thought he should take her name, but she didn't want his family to dislike her so she took his name, making her Alpha Edington." There was something that he was saying and it kept hitting me but I wasn't sure what.

"Did they have children?"

"I'm not sure, no one ever talked about them having a child." After that we went and ate dinner. Charen talked a little more with the Lunnas before we head back to the hotel. We went into our room and took a shower than went to the bed and watched a few movies before Charen fell asleep in my arms. I was tired but I couldn't stop thinking about Alpha Edington, and her story. There was something about her that was eating at my soul..........but what?

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