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Annabella Edington P.O.V.




Was the only word I could think about. Chris was just about to kiss me again when his dad called him over.

He gave me one last peck on the mouth than turned around and faced his dad."Stay here, I'll be right back." Was all he said before he began to walk.

He walked away from me and I didn't move. I hadn't moved since he said the one word I never thought I would hear. I wanted to run and hide, to move or something. I wanted to just get away, but I couldn't. I hadn't been able to move since I heard him say it. I stayed frozen, my heart beat sped up and I was sweating.

"Breath Anna, you're going to pass out if you don't." It wasn't till I heard Kiras' voice that I realized I was about to pass out. I finally moved but only because I was falling to the ground. Ki was to late. My eyes were open but my body was off. I watched as the ground got closer and closer to my body. And just before I hit the plush green grass I was caught.

The thing that caught me lifted me off the ground and into it's arms. My eyes were slowly begining to shut as they carried me bridal style. Just before the darkness came I forced myself to look up at the thing carrying me and not at the ground. I looked up to see Chris. He looked down at me, and the last thing I saw before the darkness took over was his peircing blue eyes.

Christian Blu P.O.V.

I was talking to my dad when I felt it. There was a sharp pain that went throughout my body and Ramese began to cry out Anna's name. I turned around to see Anna falling to the ground. I cauaght her right before her head hit the grass of the back yard. I picked her up and carried her inside. Her head was facing away from me and I was trying to get her to look at me so I could make sure she was okay. She finally turned her head, she looked me straight in my eyes before she closed hers. When her eyes closed it scared me. I layed her down on the couch in the pack house livingroom and waited for the pack doctor. He made it there with in two minutes. The first thing he did was rip her shirt off, and touch her chest.

When I saw what he was doing I lost control and shifted. Ramese took over and bite the doctor in the shoulder and flung him across the room. Then he laid on Anna so that no one could see or touch her.

The doctor got up and asked me to move but he only recived a very loud powerful growl. Which made him take a step back. His shoulder was bleeding and I could tell he was in pain. "Fine if she's hurt or in need of medical help don't come to me." After that he began to walk out. I finally gained control over my body and shifted back. I grabbed his none bit shoulder and made him face me. When I turned him around was grinning so I knew he only said it so that I would get off of Anna, it made me a little mad, but I was greatful that he cared.

"I'm sorry. Please help her." I was looking at the ground and my head was hung low.

"Fine, but you can't be in here."

"MINE!" I couldn't hold back the growl as I spoke. Ramese was begining to surface again.

"Look i know she's your's I have my own mate, Christian. But I may have to touch he body and you aren't going to be able to control your wolf if you see me, and I can't handle this," He motioned toward his shoulder that was covered in blood from were I bit him."every time I touch her. So you can send in someone to be with us while I check her, but you can't be in here."

I knew he was right but I didn't want to leave her. I couldn't just leave her. "Fine." But she needed to be checked so i mind-linked a she-wolf to stayt with them because I wouldn't be able to handle her alone with two men, weather they have mates or not.

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