The way it started

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The long day had just begun, it's Monday morning and I don't feel like going out of the boarding house.Here I am preparing myself thoroughly  for my class, I made sure to fix my things. I had grab some crackers to fill my stomach, so here I go out to attend my Chemistry Class. I am now a College student, a BMLS student, and overwhelming experiences awaits me.

I was rushing to our classroom and as I enter, almost everyone are already in the classroom and all their eyes are on me! oh my, first day feels. So I had chosen the seat I want to stay for the whole period and as usual my friends are indeed the best late comers in class. I seated silently waiting for a instructor to come, it wasn't long though. He seated and then he ask for the class code of our class and everyone of us answered in chorus.

Everyone: "0925L po sir"

Instructor: again?

Everyone of us answered in chorus  and he got mad on us.

Instructor: You come and call me to the faculty room when you know how to properly answer the question I am asking.*walks out of the room.

The day is just starting, it's still 7:30 in the morning and here we are going toxic and stress.

Some had gone in front and they told us that he was their instructor before and he wants his students to answer smartly by racing their hands, and then as our instructor recognize you, you should speak your family name and after it is your answer for his question. *Wow there's more drama on reciting.

And now as they call for our instructor, almost all of us are scared of him because of his unique but crazy personality.

The day had went smoothly but, not as soon as we met our Theology instructor. He had now started to tell a long story of  his lifes autobiography, he even thought us greek words which are out of our grasp, also history which doesn't have any connection to what we should be learning in our subject. It really was energy sucking and I ended the day with my friends singing at the mall's KTV.

Just for everyone to know I am 16 years old, not as pretty as the flower but someone who is simple and with a kind heart who always understand.

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