The accident; The beginning

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There I was, standing in the vast border of life and death. Everything resembled a dark abysmal state, only consisting of black and white. No sound, no colors, no smell, no tastes . . . . . No breathing live at all. Just a single straight, white border and I . . .

[20 minutes prior the accident]

As usual, the pink-headed bookworm was at the library, entirely absorbed in the stories, written by the best authors she admires with all her heart. Haruno Sakura is a nerd indeed, but she does have the best of friends anyone could ever imagine - if not many.

Her emerald eyes glistened under the row of bright fluorescent lights as she savored her reading. Little did the pinkette know, the night sky has surfaced the horizon. It was already 6:45 pm.

"Haruno-san, it's about time the library's closing!" called out the brunette school librarian. Sakura looked up from her book; her wide forehead obviously visible to her distaste. People have always made fun of her because of her forehead. But she has those big, round pair of jades which embellish her lovable, heart-shaped face, and natural cherry-colored lips. Her shoulder-length hair so smooth and silky; a rare pink color which always stands out in the crowd, yet no one noticed.

The blossom looked at her wristwatch which only proved her of the librarian's words a moment ago. Disappointed, Sakura shoved all her belongings into her book bag, reluctantly yet swiftly put back the books she was reading onto their respective shelves; waved at the brown-haired library attendant a 'goodbye' before stepping out of her only haven at school.

Sakura sighed before stretching her hands into the air, above her fluffy locks of pink.

"Wha ! It's already this dark!? I should quickly get home before running into any trouble!" She said to herself, as the 17-year old teen paced her way to the bus-stop.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


On hearing the signal call, the mysteriously handsome actor turned to the direction of the voice.

"Well done, Sasuke-kun! Your acting skills have never failed to impress us!" praised the stout, tan-skinned director; his beard looked even thicker up close. "Thank you Saguchi-sensei. It's all thanks to your support." Replied Uchiha Sasuke; the ranked number-one idol in Japan, entitled 'King of all kings' in the entertainment world, and one of the Top 10 earners as an entertainer... all over the globe.

"Sasuke! We better get going." A white-haired manager with a pale face, wearing extremely large round glasses, whispered to the onyx-eyed young actor. Sasuke simply nodded.

After bidding 'goodbye's to the crew, the Uchiha drove off with his manager, Yakushi Kabuto. Little did they know what near misery would befall on the two, Kabuto took the shortcut; the opposing road of the raven's school, K.E.H.

K.E.H, acronyms for 'Konoha Entertainment High', is the school where all teenagers of privileged families go to. Of course the students have to be interested in becoming OR have become rising stars, standing under the spotlights with audiences from left to right.

Uchiha Sasuke, being the second son of the owner and CEO of the Uchiha Corporation, is obviously a student there. However, 'normal' students were also given a chance to attend the school, but only if they have the potential and are capable of - meaning scholarships.

On the way, the 23-year old manager was panicking about falling behind their schedule on meeting an extremely important person. The duo still hasn't reached their supposed destination.

"Slow down, Kabuto! We still have 15 minutes!" exclaimed the young raven, glaring at his sumptuous watch. It was 7 at night, but the streets were yet to clear - although they weren't completely jammed.

"Gyah! Sasuke! This appointment is very, VERRRRYYYY IMPORTANT! We can't lose this rare opportunity to meet Kishimoto-sensei, one of the world's best author and producer!" barked the four-eyed *Helmet from the driver's seat - frustration clearly audible. Their formal chauffeur took a sick leave for the day so Sasuke's manager, Yakushi Kabuto, had to do the job himself.

Steering to the left corner at the crossroads, Kabuto had his mind set only on reaching their appointment in time, so he didn't realize a sudden cherry-blossom school girl crossing the street . . .

SCREEEEEEECCCCHHHHHH!!!!! BANG! . . . . . *thud*


*Helmet = Kabuto

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