Soft Storm

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"Dame-Tsuna, wake up."

Mmm..... five more minutes.....

"Get up now or I'll shoot you."

HIEEEE!! I'm up! I'm up! Wait, I'm paralyzed!!

"Hmmph, finally noticed. It seems you still need more training, Dame-Tsuna."





"What is it?"

"Someone is calling for you at the front desk."

Go and take it Reborn. It must be important.

"Sure. Why don't you accompany Dame-Tsuna here while I take the phone call."




"I'm sorry but I don't think I'm worthy of being beside Jyuudaime for now."

Hayato! Stop that!

"I'm not asking. It's an order and I won't take a 'no'. Now get your ass in here or I'll make you."


"I understand."

"I expect you to.... take care of things."

"I understand, Reborn-san."

Don't worry. I'll bring back the Hayato-kun that I know.

"Heh. I'll leave it to you."





Damn. What am I supposed to do when I can't even talk, much less move.

"I'm sorry, Jyuudaime. No, Tsuna-sama....."

Hayato. Please stop. It's not your fault.

"If only I was faster, I could've taken the bullet instead of you."

No! Hayato, please. Don't think like that!

"I'm sorry I was worthless, Tsuna..... I'm sorry I was weak...."

Hayato.... enough..... please.....

"I'm sorry....."

Oh mio dio! If only I could talk to him! Please, god! Please let me speak!



"Huh? Natsu? What are you doing here?"

Natsu! You're my hope!


Please help me comfort Hayato-kun!


"Natsu? H-hey! Why are you climbing on me?"


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