Wide Sky

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"Will that thing work?"


"Yes, I'm positive."

That voice.... Shouichi-kun?

"Alright. Do it."

Reborn? Wait, do what?

"Hope this works."

"Hope"?! What do you mean- OW!

"I'm guessing it will take a couple of hours, maybe the whole day until it gives the results we want."

What did you put in me, Shouichi-kun? Huh? I'm starting to feel my fingers.

"I hope Tsuna-nii wakes up fast. I can't wait to tell him what I did at the mansion!"

"You mean how many destruction you've done at the mansion."

"Shut up, Bakadera."

"Stupid cow."


"Insolent brat."

"Don't fight to the extreme. You'll wake Sawada up."

"Haha. Ryohei-senpai is right."

"Tch. You're safe for now, ahoshi."

"Bleh. You lose, Bakadera."

"Kufufufu. It seems the little birdy is here."

"Hn. Pineapple."



"Eh? Tsuna-nii?"



"Sawada! You're extremely awake!"


"Kufufu. About time, Tsunayoshi."

"Hn. Omnivore."

"Look who's finally awake from his beauty sleep."

"Everyone...... I missed you guys....."

"Did you hit your head, Dame-Tsuna?"

"Shut up, Reborn."

"Tsunayoshi-kun! Thank god you're awake! Are you alright? Are you feeling ok? Is there anything wrong?"

"No, Shouichi-kun. I'm quite alright. Just a little bit dizzy that's all. Thank you."

"Anything for you, Tsunayoshi-kun."

"I appreciate it."


"Hmm? What is it, Chrome?"

"Um, W-welcome h-home....."

"Welcome back, Tsuna-nii!!"

"Welcome back, Jyuudaime!!"

"Haha! Welcome back, Tsuna!"

"Welcome back to the extreme!!! Sawada!!!"



"Yeah, it's good to be back."

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