Drizzling Rain

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Dammit. At times like this I hate my condition.


Seeing Takeshi-kun all quiet like this is making me uncomfortable.


Reborn!! I can't believe I'm saying this or even thought about it but I wish you were here!!


Omigod Reborn!! I need you!!



"Good morning, Rain."

Doctor! You don't know how glad I am to see you!!

"Good morning, doctor."

"How long have you been here, Rain?"

"Ahaha.... I'm not sure."

He's been here for a long time, doctor.

"I hope you are not straining yourself, Rain. Decimo wouldn't be happy to know if one of his guardians fell sick."

Damn right I won't!

"Ahaha.... sorry doctor."

"Well then, I shall give you some time alone."

"Ah, thanks."

What!? Doctor! Don't leave!! No!!!



Why me?! Dammit! Can't I at least speak?!

"Tsuna.... I'm sorry.... it was all my fault...."

What? No no no, it's not!! Yamamoto! Please don't blame yourself!!


"Ah. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Rain-san."


"Oh, Chrome! Haha! No worries! Are you here to visit Tsuna too?"

"Umm.... yes...."

Chrome! Thank god you're here!

Boss? Is there something you need?

Chrome, help me cheer up Takeshi-kun!

Eh? B-but....

Don't worry, you just ask him the question that I want to ask him.

Yes, boss.

Right, first, ask him why he doesn't smile.

"Umm.... why aren't you smiling?"


"Umm.... why aren't you..... um.... smiling?"

"Haha! What are you talking about? I'm smiling right now, see?"


Ask him why is he smiling that fake smile.

"Umm.... I mean, why are you smiling that.... fake smile...."


Quick! Ask him if he's worried about me!


"Umm.... are you worried about boss....?"


"I se-"

"It's all my fault."


"If only I was fast enough.... I was right there.... I should've been the one to get hit. Not Tsuna.... I should've protect him...."





"It's not your fault. Boss was the one who chose to protect you. It's not your fault. It never was. Boss thought the same thing as you. He wanted to protect you. To protect those he cared. That's why.... that's why he did it. So please don't blame yourself. Boss would be sad if he finds out."


"..... you're right.... Tsuna would be sad if he knew I'm blaming myself. I bet he would be angry too.... haha.... I can't be like this. I'm Tsuna's Rain. And I should wash away others' pain while he's sleeping."

".....Ah, I forgot. Storm-san asked for you back at the mansion."

"Oh? Hayato did? Haha! Must be something important! Then, I'll be going now!"

"Please be careful on your way there, Rain-san."

"Haha! Sure! Oh, right. Thanks for cheering me up, Chrome!"

"A-ah.... y-you're welcome..."


Chrome, what you said really helped Takeshi-kun.

"Um.... I only said what I thought is right."

And it's very true, Chrome. Thank you.

"Y-you're w-welcome.... boss..."


Hoseki: omigod! I just made Chrome ooc!

Chrome: umm.... I don't mind...

Tsuna: it's nice to see Chrome like that once in awhile.

Chrome: *blush* B-bossu...

Tsuna: e-eh? Chrome?!

Hoseki: anyway, hope you'd wait for the next chapter!!

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