Crackling Lightning

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I hope they're not doing anything stupid right now.....

"Tsk, tsk. You should trust your guardians more, Dame-Tsuna."

Mou, Reborn. It's not like I don't trust them. I'm just worried that they'll do something they're gonna regret later. Especially Lambo. He's still young compared to others.

"Whatever. Now tell me everything that I showed you."

You really like to ask for the impossible.

"That's because anything is possible for me."

Oh wipe that smug away.

"Aww, I know you like it~"

You wish.




"Stupid cow."

"I'm gonna go now."

Ah! Lambo, wait!

"Stupid cow, get your lazy ass in here."

"I'm not a stupid cow. And why should I?"

"I'm not asking. Now get in here."

".....fine. Eh? Where are you going?"

Reborn? Why are you leaving?

"I'm going for a coffee. Stupid cow, watch over that stupid student of mine."

Wha-?! Reborn, you-!


I can't believe he just walked away like that!!


Ah, I forgot about Lambo.

"Tsuna-nii.... I miss you...."

Lambo.... I'm sorry for worrying you.....

"Please come back soon. Everything is different back at the mansion. It's not fun without you there."

Lambo..... I'm sorry I left you alone.

"Ne, Tsuna-nii. Do you ever..... regret accepting me as your..... guardian.....? As your brother.....?"

what are you saying, Lambo! Of course not! You're my brother no matter what anyone else say! And I'm proud to have you as my brother and guardian!

"Heh, somehow, I can hear you say that you're proud having me as your brother and guardian."


"I can't be like this. I have to stay strong right, Tsuna-nii? The Family needs someone to protect them. The others are also trying their hardest to protect the Family so I can't be left out. I'll make you proud, Tsuna-nii."

You've already made me proud just by being my brother, Lambo.

"I need to go now, Tsuna-nii. I hope you'll get well soon."



"It seems you've already handled it."

..... ne, Reborn.

"What is it, Dame-Tsuna?"

Since when did Lambo grow up?

"Your question just proved your unimaginable intelligence, Dame-Tsuna."

Whatever you say, Reborn.

"Now, let's continue with our tor- I mean, work."

You were about to say 'torture', didn't you!?

"Why, whatever do you mean?"

You sadist. Devil.

"Aww, love you too. I'll make sure to prepare an unforgettable tor- I mean gift for you."


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