Chapter Ⅶ

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The rumor was slowly making it's way around school, and Tiana and Moniece were steadily distancing theirselves. Darius and Moniece fucked a second time, but this time, had less to worry about. Tiana was in a relationship, but felt single. She had the worst periods, with headaches and all. She didn't feel like coming to school, but came anyway.

Tiana's mama was a devout Christian. She didn't go to church every Sunday, but made sure that her kids knew about the Lord. Moniece's parents claimed they were Christians, but only went to church a few times a year.

When Tiana got to school, she noticed Moniece's phone, the looks on her face, and her grades. Moniece promised to tutor Tiana, since they have a big test comin up.
- "Moniece when is you gone help me study fa the test. You been in that phone so much.."
"I am. I been doin stuff."
Like what? Textin that boy."
Tiana looked her up and down.
"You wanna ignore me but I bet if I was that nigga who makin yo hotline bling you respond."
"Shut up crybaby. Imma do it next period."

The bell rang for the next period and Tiana came in and got her study guide out. She waited on Moniece until she walked in tardy. Moniece was never tardy. It was dead silent. Moniece came and started explaining to Tiana the test, but it wasn't even 5 minutes when she checked her phone. She looked at her phone and smirked, and then asked the teacher could she go to the bathroom."Moniece!"
"Imma come back!"

Tiana sat there waiting on Moniece. Moniece was in such a hurry she left her phone. Tiana usually minded her business, but she couldn't help to know who Moniece was texting.

Moniece had a password on her phone, and usually didn't since it was so dry. The bell had rang for lunch, and Tiana was walking down the hallway still trying to figure out what Moniece's password was. She put in her birthday, and it worked. And she went to Kik. Tiana saw Darius' name and clicked on the messages. The last text read, "Meet me in the hallway". Tiana had to look a second time, and scrolled to the top of the conversation. What she saw absolutely shocked her.

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