Returning Home

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Now, both the Female Titans are absolutely pissed at each other– one for the damages the other caused, and one for taking away her only chance of returning home. So, when the blond Titan comes flying back into the clearing, the Guardian is waiting. She can tell the blond Titan is a strong fighter, at least experience wise. The Guardian has been in the Forest for a long while now, but fighting other experienced Titans isn't something she's had to deal with a lot.  When the enemy Female sends a kick at the her stomach, the Guardian actually slides back a few meters, but then heals in a matter of seconds.

"No, leave him alone!" The Guardian looks up from the healing wound in her stomach to see that the other female had grabbed Armin and squeezed him, breaking his gear before throwing him in her direction. Luckily the Guardian catches him, and holds him gently in her hands, but she's becoming angry. The girl– Mikasa– stands with her swords drawn in between Eren and the Titan, anger clear in her eyes. But then, the Guardian sees him.

The Guardian

The short man from earlier– I still don't know his name– swoops in just short of speeds faster than I can see, and cuts both the Female Titan's Achilles' tendons in quick succession. He holds his swords in a weird way, but it doesn't matter as he clears the way for the enemy to fall to the ground. Looking down at the boy in my hands, I gently set him down on the same branch as the others. Then, I motion for him to plug his ears. He gets my message, and yells at the others to plug their ears too.  Standing on the other side of the clearing than the giantess, I let my anger flow through me. She's kneeling, trying to heal her wounds so she can continue the fight. But I know that it's already over.

Transferring my anger to my voice, I let loose one of the weapons I hardly ever use. I feel the muscles on my face split as my jaw unhinges widely, and I produce the loudest sound even I have ever heard. The screech pierces through the air so loud that it creates rings of air pressure combined with sound as it makes its way to the Female Titan. There is nothing she can do against the onslaught– her expression frozen in timeless horror.  When it finally reaches her, she collapses once again.  She thrashes against the ground as parts of her arms and legs explode, her screech ringing through the forest as she tries to escape the cage of sound I trapped her in.

After that, the Female stays down and her body starts to decompose, leading me to believe that the Shifter has fled. I watch it for a minute, attuning my senses so I can listen for any further signs that she wants to come back to fight again.  I tilt my head as I spot something strange– a single tear glitters on the decomposing corpse's cheek.  She's crying?  It couldn't have been from losing the battle...  My eyes narrow as steam overtakes any recognizable feature on the creature, blocking my vision completely.  No further sounds of resistance reach my ears, and I deem the area safe, for now.  I turn back toward the humans, who are all staring at me in shock. Snapping them out of their awe-struck state, I point to the South, where the edge of the forest lies.

"The thing is probably right, we should get out of here.  Grab the Titan brat, and let's go."  The shorty speaks, and I'm already starting to dislike him.  I wonder why he shows such disrespect to his comrades even in such devastating times.  He's the first to take off, the hum of his maneuvering gear buzzing through the air.  Hmm.  Mikasa hugs the boy tightly to her body and takes off, soaring through the trees shortly after the shorty.  Armin gets ready to fly as well, but when he tries to activate his gear, he seems to have forgotten that it had been broken earlier.  Since I like the boy, I decide to help him.  Gently picking him up by his jacket and setting him in my right palm, I then turn and start to jog to the edge of my territory.


   Frustration isn't something I like to feel, and every moment that goes by when I can't take off after Mikasa and the Corporal is a moment I feel the frustration build.  I'm surprised when I feel like I'm being lifted, and realize it is the Guardian placing me in her palm.  Of all times, my maneuvering gear decides to act up now. 

The Guardian holds me gently in her palm as she runs to what seems to be the edge of the Forest. I glance up at her face, having the urge to at least get a glimpse of her eyes.  They remain hidden, even the gentle wind moving her bangs refusing to let them uncover her irises.  She runs without a care in the world, not seeming alert at all as she breezes through the Forest.  I unwittingly find myself relaxing against the warmth of her hand, letting my head fall back as I gaze up at the canopy above.  I smile as I see the outline of her figure in the light and dark of our surroundings.  She really is incredible.

   Once we arrive, I heard many gasps at the sight of what the soldiers would think a 'horrific monster.' One order from Erwin made them know not to attack her, which I'm grateful for.  The soldiers are still wary though, and keep their swords drawn.  The Guardian only stands at the very edge of the Forest, with a small distance between her and the soldiers.  I doesn't feel her tense up per say, but I do sense her uneasiness around all the soldiers.  She keeps her distance, and it makes me wonder if she's had encounters with the Scouting Regiment before.  I choose to gently rise to my feet and take a hold of her thumb in order to keep my balance, offering my own silent encouragement for the being.  When the Guardian sets me down lightly on the ground, she gives me another smile, which looks a little creepy considering– well... the fact that she has little skin on her face. She's just turning to head back into the forest when I can't help but yell,

"Wait! Will we ever meet again?"  At this she freezes, half her body facing the Forest.  It takes her a moment, but she turns back to kneel in front of me once again.  She seems to be tracing something on the ground...

   I gasp as I read the message she has written in the dirt.

   "You know how to summon me Armin.  Just be careful when you need aid."  I can tell, if she once spoke my language, that she's a little rusty.  Smiling eagerly at my new discovery, I start bouncing up and down on my heels.  She seems to chuckle at my enthusiasm, and swipes her hand over her previous message.  Instead, she replaces it with something different,

   "May we meet again, young Armin."


   And with that, the Guardian stands and jogs back into the forest, leaving the whole of the Survey Corps stunned due to the new Titan 'friend' that has been discovered.

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