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"A person who can't give up anything, can change nothing." Those words echo in Eren's head as his eyes open halfway. He can barely see anything through his blurred vision, and everything burns.  The boy knows he has been impaled by something, but what?  And where?  It all happened so fast, and Eren only remembers a terrible pain tearing through him before being rendered immobile.  He heard Mikasa, Armin, and even Jean, but wasn't able to make out their earlier words.  The loss of blood is becoming too great for any soul, human or not, to bear– it is getting harder to resist just falling asleep...

I know... I was there... I believed in my friends and their friendship, but I failed.... Remember... Remember!' Eren's memories run through his head.

   He remembers when he fought Annie, despite Levi's orders.
   He remember the anger and sadness that overcame him when he saw Petra, Oluo, Gunther, and Eld, dead– spread around the clearing.
   And he remembers the day his mother was killed before his very eyes.  The first day, his mother was bitten in half right in front of him, blood splattering everywhere.
He remembers how his boiling anger for the Titans came to be.

   Eren's eyes widen.  Yes, he remembers.  And he isn't going to die now.  Leaning forward, despite the wooden spike in his chest, Eren thinks about all the damage the Female Titan has caused. All the damage Annie has caused.

   "I'm going to... wipe her out.  No... I'm going to kill her!  There's no time to think about what's right.  I've got to act!  Forget about what's right!  The world... is a cruel place!"  Right then and there, Eren discards his humanity, and embraces the beastly side of him willingly.  Yelling in defiance, he wills himself to transform, only needing a trigger to accompany the blood already spilling from his body.  A yellow burst of light engulfs him, lightening cracking behind his eyelids as a deafening explosion temporarily steals his hearing.  His thoughts are consumed by one, all-encompassing desire– You will pay, Annie...

   On a building above, Spark smiles.


Spark's P.O.V

   A long time ago, I had a friend like Eren.  Someone who had enough determination in him to fuel the whole world, and then some.  Eren reminds me of him in every way– and it makes me nostalgic. Smiling softly, I watch as Eren transforms into his Titan Form, a hulking mass of muscle and glowing green eyes.  The Titan roars, long and loud, with every ounce of despair and rage he can muster, before he runs off to fight Annie.  I join Armin on a roof with Mikasa as we watch the fight from the rooftops.

   "Are you okay, Mikasa?"  She nods, but her eyes stay glued to Eren and Annie as they exchange fists in an open area.  I whistle.

   "Wow, he sure is something, isn't he?"

   "I just hope Eren can best Annie."  I turn to Armin, cocking my head.

   "She is more fluent in this form, but we have to trust Eren, Armin.  Got it?" He nods, but his attention remains on the fighting Titans in the square. Although now, I'm not so sure on my earlier words. The Female Titan smashes Eren into a building, and continues to punch him left and right with diamond-ized fists. It doesn't look good for him.  I don't know it, but Armin has given something to Mikasa behind my back, before she flies off.

Looking back in confusion, I see Armin raising a flare gun. My eyes widen in realization. Setting a hand on his arm, I shake my head.

"No, Armin. Not yet." Hurt shines in his eyes, but I know it's too early. My eagerness to fight might cost these people everything.  I must be patient.  Biting my lip, I turn back to Annie and Eren, only to have to spring aside with Armin in my arms as Eren's giant form comes flying towards us. Oh, shit.  He lands on– or more like in– the building where Armin and I just were, and I see him struggling to get up. Eren appears to have a broken leg and arm. I can't see his face very well, but the amount of steam pouring off of his frame is an indication of just how injured he is.  I slowly slip my hand off Armin's arm. Looking at me in question, he finally understands that I'm giving him permission.

Humanity's Savior (Attack on Titan)Where stories live. Discover now