Buried Deep

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   Levi Ackerman's thoughts are in disarray. That girl... knows Farlan? No, that's impossible– she would've had to live in the Underground for that to be.  Wouldn't Farlan have mentioned someone like her? As the man sits in his office, he thinks about all the pain and sorrow he had detected in Spark's voice. But if she's looking for the Farlan I'm thinking about, she'll be sorely disappointed in her findings. But truly, Levi doesn't understand the girl's connection to Farlan.  As far as he was aware he and Isabel were his only family– could Spark be simply lying?  But no, the emotion in her voice was real.  I know that for a fact.  Thinking about the dirty-blond that was like family to him brings back painful memories, so the Captain decides to focus on his paperwork, making up his mind to ask Spark about it later– no matter how annoying the brat can be.


    Meanwhile, said girl sits high up in a tree, thinking about everything that has happened thus far.  All this happened, I came here... because of Armin.  The boy is really sweet– and his friends are nice people too, I think.  But I want my family back... The girl begins to get sleepy as she reminisces about her past– her normal-turned-terrible past. Soon, her eyes slip closed and she falls into a deep sleep, the memories beginning to plague her mind as she sinks deeper into unconsciousness.


Wow, what a day! The six-year-old girl is running home through the streets of Wall Rose.  She's just spent the day playing with one of her best friends– Mia– and the two have wasted the day playing tag and other childish games.  In the process, she's ruined one of her old dresses, but she just shrugs it off– she can always wear a new one.  It's around dusk by the time she returns home, her clothes smudged with dirt and her face dusted with grime.  Her hair is tied up and out of her face, revealing a toothy grin and eyes that dance with mirth.  The first thing she does upon entering her house is run upstairs to her room to change into more comfortable attire– brown pants with a button-down, navy blue shirt, and no shoes.  Her parents greatly disapprove of this– they often have disagreements over her choice style of clothing– but don't make her change as she's still young, and doesn't need to follow the ways of a 'proper lady' yet.  Plus, it's the way her big brother dresses, and it makes her comfortable.

   Exiting her room, the girl runs a little ways down the hallway in the upstairs of the manor before entering her older brother's room.  Despite the fact that he is twelve years old and she's only six, the siblings are inseparable by an invisible bond that's literally unbreakable. In addition to that, he is very mature for his age.  The girl has latched onto the mature nature of her idol at a young age, and although she loves to have fun and play, she is also considered mature for her age.

   "Hey Sparky, when did you get home?"  Jumping into her older brother's lap, the girl giggles at the nickname her brother had given her. Apparently, the older deems it appropriate for his sister and her bubbly nature.

   "Just now, big brother.  What have you been working on?"  The older of the two smiles, and begins explaining a new contraption he has been inventing.  This always fascinates the girl– the way her brother's mind works.  The inventions almost always work, too.

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