♥ Chapter 1 ♥

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~ Keyair (Here In the Picture)

Moving has been ruff for me. I miss Miami already. Letting go all my memories and friends behind is not as easy as I though it would be. Shit, ill fake a smile for my mom though. She's been throw so much. Having to care for my baby brother Mekell and I anit easy. Being that my dad was never around, I couldn't help but feel same type of way for my mom.

We were on our way to Georgia. I was in the passenger seat of the car. I pop in a CD that my mom had in her car. The first track on the CD was successful by drake.

"Dang mama, I didn't know you knew about drake, I said with a smirk on my face."

"I may be your mom, but i anit that old child, my mom said back with a smart look on her face." 

My mom was like no other mom. Shes not just a mother but shes my best friend. We laugh, we cry, and do so much more together.

I look over and my mom is sing the cures of the song - 

' I want the money, 

Money and the cars,

Cars and the clothes,

The hoes,

I suppose,

I just wanna be,

I just wanna be,


Makell and I look at each other. We all most died from lack of oxygen from laughing so hard at our mother. In my mind I kinda knew why she was listing to the song. I guess it kinda described how she felt.

Before you knew it Mekell broke out rapping drake verse like he was some kinda of professional rapper are something. I swear that boy just want attention from my mom.

"Damn boy I see you, Mom says bopping her head to the song."

I rolled my eyes and lay  back in the passenger seat. It seemed like we were in the car forever. We finally got to a gas station. I had to pee like a motherfucker and i was hungry at the same time.  While my mom was pumping gas in the car, I  use the gas station restroom. Lord knows how much I don't like gas station restrooms. There the worst! I sucked up my emotions, and used the restroom. While I was washing my hands I noticed how I looked like shit. I pulled my weave brush out of my purse and fixed my make up. As I walked out the restroom  a cute, tall (5'8), light skin boy passes me to go to the restroom. We made quick eye contact. 

" Damn, he was hella sexy, I said under my breath. " 

My mom saw me eyeing the boy but didn't say anything about it.

"What mom dang you always look at  and what am doing, I said try trying to cover up the reason why i was looking at the boy."

"What ever, I anit worrying about you I was just gonna ask did you did you want anything before we  go, Mom said as she was look throw the bag of chips they had on the display."

"You know me so well, I said laughing."

I walked around the story and looked for what I wanted. I found sprit and hot chips. I later bumped into the guy that I passed in the restroom. My heart begain to beat fast and I knew he was going to get into a convo with me.

"Hi shawty you cute my name is Chris, he said trying to act cool."

"Ha, my names Keyair but you can call me key-key, I said trying to be cool and collected."

We later exchanged kik names and numbers. Turns out the boy was the same age as me. While I was reminiscing about him  my mom was waiting for me with the food and drinks in the bag.

"You ready? She asked."

"Yea. I said blushing up a storm."

As we were walking back to the car my mom was asking hella question.

"Umm, How old is this boy anyways? "

"He the same age as me mom, I said trying to make her feel better about what just happend."

"Whatever, you just better not be popping out no babys Key-key."  She said, looking me up and down like i was fast.

Chris later come out the store and waved to me bye. Trying not to smile I wave back.

My mom finally got in the car. Makell was in his own world. He had his earphones high up.

"Mom, we there yet." I said looking around as we pull up in a drive way.

"Chill, you acting like you anit seen a house before. "

I rolled my eyes and said whatever under my breath as she made that smart as comment.

We all got out the car leaving our thing behind in it. We took a minute took look at what we were gonna call home. The house looked like it was cared with no type of love. Mom gave us the key to the house. Makell and I opened the door to find hard wood floors and black white walls. It had some type of small that was unexplainable. I looked for the rooms. So far I found 2 restrooms and the kitchen. I finally found the rooms. When I was atucally done  look at the house, I walked outside to take a breath. 

Everything was moving so fast. I was kinda pissed at my dad. He was the main reason why we had to leave miami. The main reason why i always run away from being loved. The main reason why our family was the way it is today. Could help but feel like shit.


I Know this was short. 

Do you think you think her dad really left ? Do you think u no what happend between her mom and dad ?

Give me feedback !

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