♥Chapter 6 ♥

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(Makell photo) 

Sorry I may have incorrect spelling, but hi am not perfect so just read and enjoy. No need to seem smart in my comment book. 



Keyair seat right by me. I really wasn't expecting that being that some of the seats were open in the back.

Once we got to another stop, I took out my earphones out and hesitated to speck.

"H-Hi Keyair, I said trying to make conversation."

"Yea, what up?"

"How you liking the school bus so far?"

"Its pretty noisy. This is actually my first time riding a bus to school, she said with a straight face looking around the bus."

"Are you serious, I said laugh a little."

"Yes, I was in walking distance from my school, and if I wasn't my mom would drive me to school."

"Luck you, I would give anything to be in your shoes."

"Its straight, I don't sweet the little things, she said surging her shoulders."

Before you knew it, we were having a long conversation. We finally reached the hell hole we call school. Keyair and I were the last to get off.

"I hope we have the same classes, I said."

"Me too, better to know one person then know nobody at all, she replied."

"True, I see your brother isn't worried about making friends, I said pointing him out."

"He'll be fine, am not stressing over him one bit, she said looking worried free."

"Will see you later I guess, I said not wanting the conversation to end."



Jacob and I had the best conversation on the bus. We have a lot n common, its just them damn braids. Honestly that is a turn off for me. Right now I only see him as a friend that I could talk to him about anything.

Makell popped up behind me. Why are you just standing here we got to go to the principles office to get our schedules, Makell said trying to be a smart ass.

Don't you think I know that ugly, am just waiting for your ass to stop ruining game with the girls at the school, I said.

Nobody was running game. I cant help that people like what they see, Makell said feeling some type of way about him self.

Sure, you sound pretty cocky right know, but what ever, I said looking away.

Both Makell and I walked up to the principles disk. Phones were ringing off the hock. There was only one lady in the front. She was pretty in between old and young. The lady was trying to multitask by answering phones and talking to people at the same time. She was finally done. She turned to Makell and I and, asked how may I help you?

We are both new here, and we just wanted our schedules for our classes, and our bus right, I said.

Ok ill be with you in a second, she said answering the ringing phone behind her.

Makell and I look around for a seat. When we both seat down I took out my earphones and turned on my Iphone. My Iphone vibrated almost 5 time from kik. I wounder who could that be. Before I could check it the lady around the front disk  printed both of schedules, and give us our bus number to get home.

Wait, someone will be helping find your way around school, the lady said stopping both of us in our tracks.

 Makell and I both walked back over to the seats in the office. I thought i was gonna die of boredom. I wasnt really in a rush to go to class any ways. I just wanted to see the stuck up teachers, cocky boys, and the trashy girls. 

Two kids walked over to the seats Makell and I were seating in. There both were wearing matching t-shirts. I guess it was there job to show the new kids around school. 

Hi am Kristen and this is Nicholas, she said in her peppy voice.

Umm, Kristen am pretty sure i can introduce my self, he said in a nasty attitude voice.

Anyways, we will be showing you around the school, she said looking at my brother and I.

Keyair and Makell is it, he asked.

Both Makell and I, said yes.

Nicholas had hazel brown eyes, light skin, had perfect stright teeth, and was five six. Kiristen had long slick brown hair, brown eyes and around five two.

Keyair come with me, Nicholas said in a sweet voice.

Will do, I said back at Nicholas.

He seemed really cool and kind. Nicholas showed me how to read my schedule and the classes. Being that this school was different from Miami. I wouldn't be surprised if he was with someone. He has everything a girl wants. He has good looks, tall, and kind. Not to mention his amazing hazels eyes. I sound pretty thirsty (too eager to get someone).

Keyair, here's your first class and remember every days a great day at school, Nicholas said.

Ummm, ok haha thanks for the reminder, I said.

(Door Closes)

Hi am Miss.James, find a seat anywhere that's open, she said looking right at me.

All eyes were on me as I walked throw the class to find a seat. Most of the girls were talking about me under there breath. I over heard one chick tell another girl that I looked fake. The boys were just looking at me like we were going to go into a staring contest to see who blinks first. I over heard the boy whispering to another boy making a bet to see who I end up with first. Its funny how when your the new kid you get all the attention in the world.

Lucky for me there was a seat in the far back of the class. I was next to a short girl named Jamie. She was around four two. She was pretty short but not hard to miss with her original style. On the other side of me was a dude named Tim. He was pretty chubby, no type of swag,five two, and had an ugly overbite. They both seemed like miss fits which I had no problem with. I prefer miss fits other then stuck up cocky people because there always there self one hundred percent of the time.

 Before you seat down Keyair, can you introduce yourself to the class, Miss.James said.

Sure, am not that entrusting. My names Keyair, from Miami born and raised, part Jamaican because of my dad and the rest is history, I told the class.

So you think you all that cause you a Miami chick and part Jamaican, one random voice said in the class.

Everyone busted in a laugh. I simply rolled my eyes and seat down and waited for the bell to ring. I pulled out my favorite book and started to read it until pass time.

Mss.James her your restroom pass, sorry I took so long, I voice said.

I heard this voice before. I put down the book. Jacob and my eyes meet as soon as he turned around.


OK , so this was a legit chapter. 

How do you all feel about this school?

Do you think Jacob and Keyair are going to get close being that they have the same class?

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A new chapter will be comming soon. I only write when am bored. ^.^.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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