Chapter Twenty Five

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"Jesus Christ," Harry whispered as he opened his eyes, breathing heavily as he was staring at a blue ceiling. He was on a soft surface, a hand on his arm, shaking him violently as he looked at the person who was shaking the life out of him.

"How long were you planning on sleeping, boy?" The lady asks with a small smile before placing her hand on Harry's cheek. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. Maybe we should talk about it, sort everything out. Yeah? Now come on, dinner's ready." She said and planted a kiss on his forehead before walking out of his room, leaving the door opened.

"Mom?" He whispers, still shocked from her words. "What the fuck?" He whispered as he looked around. It was his room, the day Louis had died, the day his mother had slapped him in a long time. He grabbed his phone which was lying beside him. It was 2014. 

"What? Candace? Am I dreaming?" He whispers to himself as his mother calls out for him again. "Coming!" He yells back. He got up from the bed and walked out, remembering his house and memorizing everything all over again with a small smile on his face, yet questions emerging in his mind as he walked downstairs. 

His mother was setting down the plates, his father had just came back from work. He was seated and reading out a book that he had been reading for a long time, Harry remembers it all too well. "Dad?" He asks. The old man looks at him questioningly. "Yes, Harry?" He asks.

"Was there... any accident on the highway or something?" Harry asks while taking a seat. His mother serves him the dinner with a confused look on her face. "No, why?" He asks. Harry doesn't say anything. "Are you okay, Harry? I'm sorry for the events earlier, it's just... I was angry. Don't worry, your aunt is coming over tomorrow and she's bringing over loads of books for you."

"I'm fine, mom." He replied with a smile, looking at her for a longer period of time before devouring the food. He missed this so much, even if this was a dream, it felt so real and it was amazing. After the dinner, he was back in his room. He was scrolling down his phone, all the old contacts were there. He looked a little younger, his hair a little shorter. 

He was receiving a call from an unknown number. This had to be Cameron. 

"Hello? Cameron?" He asks with hope. "What? No! Why would Cameron call you babe?" Louis' voice is clear from the other side. 

"Louis?" Harry asks, surprised. "The bar sucked ass. I wished I was there with you now, I can't come over the window today. Are you okay, Harry? You sound a little... tense. You're friends with Cameron now?" 

"What? No... I mean... what?" Harry asks as he could hear Louis laughing from the other side. "You seem tired. Sorry for bothering you now babe. Sleep tight, goodnight and I'll meet you tomorrow after running some errands, okay?" 


"Okay? Harry?"

"Yeah, yeah, okay." Harry finally replies as Louis laughs from the other end. "Night love. I love you."

"I... I love you too." With that Louis ended the call.

What was happening?


The next morning, he was supposed to wake up in his flat with Candace screaming at him. But he didn't. He woke up in his house that he shared with his mother and father, at 7 in the morning. It was Sunday, which meant he didn't have school. He got ready, judged his old clothes and old hair, went down for breakfast with his chirpy mum and happy dad.

He would be lying if he said that he didn't miss this... but some part of him was questioning one thing.


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