Chapter Twenty Six

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"Zayn said that he got in contact with Eve who was hanging out at the pub and was overwhelmed to see him and was glad that he remembered. Julia agreed when Zayn mentioned my name, I guess it's all set." Candace said while going through the pile of books which belonged to 19 year old Harry Styles. "I got homework to do. I'm in a university for fucks sake, I hate doing this all over again." Harry mumbled as he fumbled through his shelf. It was about dinner time and the two had spent the whole evening yelling at each other and reading a couple of books.

"You did this, Candace." Harry said. "How did you do this? Why did you do this?"

"I didn't do any of this on purpose. I swear." She said. "I care about you, after all you're my brother. Julia is my old classmate and I'm so damn happy that she's alive. There are certain things that I can do, limited, of course, but yes. Remember I told you about my heavenly blood? It has benefits. I can see the alternate futures, and kind of go into the respective person's future, mess a little with them and give them a second chance if I want. I can use this only once, Harry."

"You used it." Harry said. Candace nodded. "See, I've always been a freak. I'm good at studies, I'm going to be a pediatrician soon and live off on my own. There was this one person I met in my high school days, she made me feel like I was worth a lot more than what life told me to be. I didn't choose this life, Harry. I see things that people don't and people shouldn't. I can do things that people don't and they shouldn't. It's all crazy, but it's my life now. I did realize my high school savior was a victim too, but never realized it was this bad."

"Later on I discovered that Julia is happy, unlike the lonely me who spent her time talking to friendly spirits. But then I found out about Crystal, and dug up some facts about her. I remembered her being the only major bully in Julia's life since the fifth grade. I wasn't going to change anything, Harry. But I heard about you, and Louis."

"Then how aunt and uncle passed away, and you were stuck with Zayn in an undefined relationship. You were scared to get attached, but you held onto him. This was all perfectly connected and people had lost enough already, I thought maybe this was the best thing to do. I would be helping my only friend and my brother too. I just hope it turns out just the way Julia said it would in the alternate reality."

Candace finished, hiding her face with her hands and groaning loudly. "I told my mother about it, in the alternate reality. She told me that I should do this, you don't deserve any of this. This, this life with your father being a noble man and your mother being a respective woman and you doing what you like. This is what that matters. She forgot it when I changed the realities, it's all fine though." Harry nodded at her speech. He wondered if anybody else had changed, he wondered what Niall was doing right now.

"Hey, just wondering." Harry said. "How's Niall doing? Still a songwriter and flirt?"

Candace chuckled. "Yes." She said. "Still a songwriter, but not a flirt. It was on paper yesterday, I think, he's officially dating Liam Payne. I think he liked him in the alternate reality too. Lovely, right?" Harry smiled. Niall really liked Liam, Harry could say that and he was pretty sure Liam adored Niall.

"And... Crystal?" Harry asks because he was just curious. "Oh." Candace said. "Forgot about her, me and you are going to go meet her with Julia and Zayn. Gonna make her confess for all the things she had said even after Julia's engagement with Zayn. But, there are certain complications. But currently, she's still married to Kurt. I think Kurt is filing the divorce in two months, she's going to know that she's pregnant for the second time next week and abort it. Then it all starts."

Harry nodded. "This will be better then... You mean Julia can get an apology from Crystal and actually try to be happy for a future with Zayn?" He asked. Candace looked up at him, almost as if she was trying to find something in his eyes. "If that's what she wants, then yeah. Look, I don't know. Julia is different and I don't really know about Zayn. But Zayn really cares for her and now that she's alive... I don't know."

"Yeah, great. I'm just stuck with Louis, I wish I didn't know about the truth. That Louis... Sells my intimate moments with him." Harry said with a laugh. "This is just, great."

"But this is what your heart used to desire, Harry." Candace said. "Every time someone tried to hold you, you would tell them that you're devoted to this one guy. You can't blame him completely, you had your blind faith in him. I'm telling you that if you want, you can go talk to him and make him stop doing this and... Continue with the relationship. Or you can always just stop." Harry knew what she meant. He needed time, because he can barely think about facing Louis now.


"Candace really contacted you, right?" Julia asks with a small smile to her fiancé. Zayn nods when they get out of the airport, taking a tab to Harry's house. "Can't believe we're going to meet again. She's been a great friend, I love her. She's really sweet." Julia tells him when they're half way through.

Zayn is trying to listen, but he can't. He can't believe Julia is talking to him, telling him about Candace and the nearby flowers and whatnot. The ring on her finger was still visible, bright and beautiful like her. "Who's place is this?" Julia asks when they get out of the taxi and Zayn pays the driver. "Styles resident. It's her cousin's place. The elders seemingly went out today." Zayn replied to her.

They walked towards the front door and rang the doorbell. After a good time, Candace herself opened the door and looked directly into Julia's eyes. "Candace." Julia said with a smile, pulling her old friend into a tight hug. Zayn was a little relieved to see a familiar face after so long. They walked inside, right when Harry Styles walked downstairs. "This is Harry, he's my cousin." Candace said. Zayn had gotten to know that they're actually cousins and he finds it pretty fishy, yet cool.

"Hello, I'm Julia Zevon." Julia introduced herself while letting out her hand for a formal shake. Harry looks at her for a moment before taking it into his hand and shaking it with a small smile on his face. "Nice to meet you." He whispered.

"Where's Eve?" Candace asked Zayn. "She stopped by the airport to get something, said she'll get a taxi here and-" his sentence was cut off when the doorbell went off again.

"Must be her." Julia said. Candace nodded and walked towards the door, and it was Evelyn. After the five of them gathered together in the living room, they took a seat and Candace decided to start the conversation.

"I hope you are ready, Julia. Because I'm going to show you the alternate reality that you were living in, which was supposedly the first reality, but I changed it." Candace said. "I always wanted to be friends with someone like her." Eve whispered down to Harry who chuckled. He had offered a small smile to Zayn who hadn't returned it, so he was just trying to forget about it.

"You used the one chance?" Julia asked. "You knew about it?" Harry asked her. Julia nodded. "She told me during high school. Believed after some proofs."

"Everything, from the letter you wrote to the bullet you shot, till the last memory of Zayn in the alternate reality. You ready?" Candace asked. "You're going to travel alone, with me. Okay?" Julia agreed to that. And in the next second after they held hands, they vanished into thin air.

"That was epic." Eve said. "But I kind of like this reality. I got signed up first, Me, Evelyn." Harry chuckled at her. Zayn laughed and shook his head lightly, thinking how Julia must be feeling after knowing everything he did after she left. He hoped that she couldn't slap him after he almost had proposed to Crystal.

"Harry?" Zayn asked when Eve was going through her phone. Harry looked up at Zayn with a smug look on his face. "What are you planning on doing with your relationship with Louis?" He asked.

"For starters." Harry said. "I'm going to ask him about the tapes, and I'm taking you as a witness. According to my knowledge, he must have sent you those some days or weeks ago. So yes, this is perfect." Zayn chuckled at that.

"That's what I like about you." Was all that Harry heard Zayn say before he started asking Eve what was she planning on focusing on: RnB or Pop/Rock or something else.

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