Fifteen minutes prior...
Swirls of grayish black with mixes of baby blue and pink floated away with a sluggish crawl in the distant clouds. A streak of light hit the land as the giant brooding figure watched the sky, Trock Rock Paw a panther giant.
In curiosity, he followed the lightning to its mark on his isle, which he named Rompingtun after his only friend. Only to find his friend Romp found it first and was in a digging frenzy.
"Whoa there nt' s' fast, yur gettin dirt n' m' new kilt, ya cabbage ead.", Exclaimed Trock.
An oversized mole popped half way out of the growing hole and grinned.
Waving large glass shards in his massive yet short rusty oak brown furred digging paw, more resembling a paddle. Questioning he called with a squint toward him in his warm bass monotone. "Wot y' doin up zu early? Oi'z jus putin this ere loitnen t' use, t' make uz noivz."
Trock chuckled. "You got a guud ed' n' yur shoulders now use it. Ow yu goin't make knives out o glass with n' tuuls?"
"Zurr, they bein don fer zuppor they will, yull zee." Looking as if he was about to dive, Romp disappeared under the earth again.
Trock returned to his gazing at the sun now peeking through the storm clouds. He was totally unaware of the visitors on his land.
Crouching low on the opposite isle from Rompingtun, a Komodo dragon by the name of Gorter, stalked his prey.Watching a little panda cub named Freckels crawl down the beach, Gorter slithered along the rocky moss covered tree line to get closer to his targeted victim he tracked.
Drawing his shark tooth dagger he froze."Freckels come here, where are you, you little rascal!?" Came a voice from in the foreboding woods from which he came.
Gorter looking down, shifted his claws on the edge of rocks to the course sanded beach.
"Maybe itsss, not a good idea to make that moma angry." He whispered to him-self, in assumption.
'' Gur lump!" His stomach said otherwise and he had orders to follow.
"Lookss azzz if me an da boysss are gonna have cub sssoop." Looking up, he noticed that the West isle known as Rompingtun by Trock was much closer and was now half way around the coast.
The two isles were different shapes, the bigger of the two named Rompingtun the shape of a crescent moon and the smaller Boar isle a full moon. They both still being massive in nature are many miles in any direction inland.
Returning his attention to his prey, he sprinted from his cover in the tree line and grabbed the cubs mouth from behind in despair.
The panda cub too young to talk cried a pitiful," Wwaaa!!-" on seeing the massive green sea lizard, but was stopped sort.
"Ssstop movvvin you maggot." Gorter hissed inches from the cubs ear whilst clenching tighter over his snout.
Slowly twitching, the cubs eyes closed not to open again.
At that moment, a jackrabbit had just run around the bend of the beach to see the cub smothered with terror on his face.With a surge of horror and anger he charged Gorter, not knowing that he was holding a knife. Probably with the intention to sin him then and there.
"You scallywag!...Your the first mate of the ship we ben gottin stranded from and now you've killed an innowcince child!!""Very prassseptive it looksss azz if you are doing well, you havin't ssstarved yet." Gorter spat.
Slowly drawing his knife to view, he maliciously smiled with his rows of razor teeth, as he licked the blade. A rotten flesh aroma escaped his mouth.
While pulling back his rag bandana cap with his free left hand, he continues to jive."Me and da boyss got ssshipwrecked on disss island. I thought that we wazz guna ssstarve, but now wezz got you and da cub!"
Meanwhile hearing the cry of wrathful anger from the rabbit across the now small distanced islands, Trock became a massive black streak of momentum and dove into the warm water not considering his garments.
~Authors Note~ Sorry for the shorter chapter! I'm kinda busy with schooling
The lost Isle of Pantheon
Action"We've been here stranded fer two months now Patt. How about you an me come up with an escape route from this blumin, bloody island?" "First off Gerry we have only been here foor twoo weeks and second this place is nice. Yoor just angry about yester...