Chapter 3

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Still Lucy's POV -

"Oh really?"
I turn around and saw Natsu with his arms crossed around his chest and a dark, angered expression.

"O-oh hey." Said sting awkwardly, I run over to Natsu, he opens his arms and I clung onto his jacket as he draped his arm around me.

"Rogue, Sting, may I ask what happened or will I have to force it out of you?" He said angrily as both of the men stood up straight but still had fear in their eyes.

"U-uh." Was heard from rogue as sting just stayed quiet. "Hm. Ok. Well here's a warning, if you EVER put a hand on her or even get near her again, I'll kill you. Your lucky that your apart of my gang or I would've sent you flying through the window." He said sternly to them

"Il see you at the next meeting." He added with a smirk as we turn around and headed towards the booth, this time he pulled me into his side of the booth.

"Did they hurt you?" He asked, still having his arm around me. "They just had a tight grip on my arm, that's all." I respond.

"Why do you care so much....? I mean I knew you would come but I sorta had my doubts." I said truthfully, I honestly did. I was surprised he came. I mean I hate him but he was probably the only person who can save me.

"Well of course I care, I care about you a lot." I heard him say as I look up and caught his gaze.

"If you cared about me, you would let me go." I say to him looking away.

"I can't kitten." He respond with a sigh as the girl came with our drinks.

"Here's your Sprite and your coffee." She said placing it cautiously in front of us, trying not to spill it over.

"Do you know what you would like to eat?" She asked taking out her writing pad again. "Il just take the eggs and the bacon." Natsu said calmly, giving her the menu.

"Il have blue berry pancakes." I said giggling, I haven't had pancakes in a long time and my mom made really good pancakes.

I miss my mom..... Well I miss everyone. I missed my sister, my dad, and my best friend.

Minutes passed and the girl came back with two large plates, once containing 3 blue berry pancakes and the other with what Natsu ordered, eggs and bacon.

"Thank you." I say Nicely as she smiles and walks off to the register counter.

I lick my lips in huger and cut a small triangle shape of my pancake and take a bite, a small moan escapes my lips from how good it tasted.

Since I was to busy enjoying the pancake I noticed Natsu grabbed a piece. "Hey!" I yelled laughing as he laughed to.

"Fine then il just take a piece of your bacon!" And from that I quickly took a crispy piece of bacon and stuff it into my mouth before he can protest.

He glared at me but playfully as after a few seconds we burst into a fit of giggles. "Fine a fair trade." He said chuckling.

*** 20 minutes later ***

in just a heap of 20 minutes me and Natsu finish our food as we give our waitress the pay check,

"Thank you very much, I hope you enjoyed your food! Also you guys are a very cute couple hehe." She whispered the last sentence as I blush and smile.

We walk out and climb into his gorgeous corvette, as he starts it and drives out of the restaurant parking lot.

"Where are we going next? I forgot." I say yawning quietly. "The nearest mall to get you some clothes." He mentioned as I nod and lean against my seat.

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