Part 2: The Proposal

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Alfred ran into the bathroom locking the door, not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment "Man, who knew how hard it is to propose to someone.." He thought to himself turning on the sink and splashing his face with the water. He looked into the mirror with deep breaths "c'mon you can do this. I'm the hero for god sake!" Alfred said banging his head against the wall. After Alfred had enough courage to finally propose to Arthur, he sighed and unlocked the bathroom door, going outside setting out to find the Brit.

Alfred was walking through the hallways of the building as he ran into Kiku "Herro Alfred-San, You're still here?" He said to Alfred. "Oh, hey Kiku, i'm trying to find Arthur because you know" Alfred said mumbling those last two words. "Oh yes! You were going to finary groing proprose to him hai? ((I'm sorry, i'm not good with writing Japan like this!)) I'm sorry, I don't know where he is right now, but I'll tell you if I see him" Kiku said smiling. "Okay, thanks anyway bro." Alfred said trying to find Arthur again.

Arthur was in the conference room; laying back in his seat with his eyes closed. He sighed "Why was Alfred acting so weird today? And what was inside that box he had?" Arthur said to himself with curiosity as Kiku came in "There you are Arthur-San" he said walking over to him "Alfred-San just asked me where you were." He said, Arthur sat back up in his seat "Oh, hello Kiku. Do you know why Alfred was acting really strange today? And what did he have in that little box of his?" Arthur asked cluelessly , Kiku laughed "I'm sorry Arthur-San, but that is confidential. You'll have to figure that our yourself" Arthur looked at Kiku with confusion in his eyes "O-okay?" He managed to say aloud as Alfred burst into the room "ARTHUR! GOD, THIS IS WHERE YOU'VE BEEN!! I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING REALLY IMPORTANT!" Alfred said blushing a faint red and ran over to the Brit, grabbing his hand and leading him somewhere. "W-wait! Alfred! Where are we going?!" Arthur said getting pulled by the American. Alfred didn't say anything and closed the door after them. Japan smiled waving the two off "Have fun you two."

Alfred dragged Arthur behind the building, where there was a small pond and a cherry blossom tree. The Brit looked around with confusion "What are we doing here?" Arthur asked, Alfred took a deep breath and took out the small box with the ring inside it, he walked over to Arthur slowly; his heart beating like it was going to burst, and knelt down on his knee, opening the box which showed the ring. Arthur gasped, putting his hand on his mouth trying not to tear up "Is this what I think it is?!" Arthur thought to himself. The American looked up at Arthur raising the little box with the ring inside it to Arthur and took another deep breathe before saying these exact words "I love you Arthur, more than anyone or anything on this planet. I work hard, it's true. I'm still a kid but.. I'll build a house with a bigger garden than this, let's see, and I'll build a pool too, that we can practice swimming in together on hot summer days... More than anything" Alfred said taking Arthur's hand and kissing it gently "I want to be the first person in the world to tell you "Good Morning" and the last person in the last person in the world to tell you "Goodnight" Will you live with that selfishness of mine for the rest of our life? Arthur, I want you to let me make you happy. So... Will You Marry Me?" Alfred said looking into Arthur's eyes and gulping.

Arthur burst out into tears and hugged Alfred tightly "Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course!!" Arthur said kissing Alfred passionately. Alfred smiled happily and put the ring on Arthur "It fits perfectly" Alfred called out looking at Arthur. Just as more tears ran down the Brit's face, all the countries came out of there hiding places and congratulated the happy two. "You guys were watching us?!?!" Alfred cried out, Francis put his arm around Alfred "Oui, Who can't help watching a gay proposal?" Francis said laughing, Alfred rolled his eyes and laughed "Congrats Mon Ami, you deserve it" Francis said "Thank you" Alfred said smiling. Everyone else started crowding around Arthur and Alfred and cheered loudly hugging them smiling. Arthur looked at Alfred and smiled "I love you, you git" He said pulling Alfred into a kiss.


Aye! Guess who finally decided to update!?! Haha, hoped you enjoyed this UsUk story of mine, the speech that Alfred made was from one of my fave usuk doujinshi's called "If it's me and you"

The doujin will be found at the top of the story (its a video)

Anyways keep updated on my last story, I'm going to make an Authors Note with some important info on the next part, but that's all I gotta say! Ciao!

P.S: It was really fun making this at 1:30 am. If you understand my sarcasm.. Good for you.

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