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Chapter Four


Okay, maybe going to a devil’s house was stupid of me. So what? Wasn’t I allowed to be the naive little angel I had always been?

I was being cautious enough; every little thing I said to him dripped with venom, the muscles on my shoulders were tensed up, ready to take off whenever I needed. It wasn’t like I could just fly away and he wouldn’t follow me; all devils had wings.

Though I felt like I was maybe a bit too hostile to the devil- Blake was his name- I was still going to be smart. As soon as I turned my back, it would be the death of me. Devils are horrible, horrible beings.

Or so I heard.

The devi- Blake, sorry- walked me over to his house. I shouldn’t have followed him, I know, but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t know where the heck I was or how to get out of there. As we walked towards his white home- I laughed to myself at the irony- I turned my head to opposite sides quickly, trying to find escape routes. Okay, now if I fly through those trees, his wingspan will probably be too large to...

“So why did you just decide to drop into this hellhole?” he asked, his hazel eyes shining with curiosity. Curiosity killed the devil.

“I didn’t.” I wasn’t looking at him, but I could tell he wanted me to explain. No way.

After some time, he added, “How come?” I shook my head, fearing that if I opened my mouth, I would tell him everything. That would not be good. We were walking slowly- too slow for me. I began trotting over to his enormous(it was huge to me, at least) house, dismissing him completely. I heard a low growl behind me, but I didn’t want to turn to see that scowl that I had already become accustomed to resting on his face.

When I felt the slightest tickle on my shoulder, I jumped, squealing as I did. Jeez, I was jumpy.

“Damn!” Blake exclaimed, laughing, “I didn’t think it was possible to jump 20 feet into the air like that!” I grimaced, irritated, and pushed him lightly.


I saw his crazily-colorful eyes search my not-so-perfect face. When he was so close to me, I thought I could see flecks of a brilliant gold and scarlet floating in the pools of golden-bronze that were his eyes.

I realized that I hadn’t breathed for quite a while when I nearly passed out, my lungs feeling like they were going to collapse. He was still looking at me. Oh, my gosh, please just stop looking at me like that! I begged in my head, hoping he would stop giving me the look that seemed so much like a little puppy asking sweetly for that last piece of food on your plate.

Blake opened his mouth, then thought better of it and closed it again. He put his hand on the doorknob, and the door was swung ajar. “Come on in,” Blake spoke lightly, as if we weren’t the only ones there. When I looked at him, he seemed a bit antsy.

I asked, “Hey, are you-?” He covered my mouth in a millisecond. If I could, I would have yelped. He opened his mouth again, but Blake wasn’t talking this time. I knew exactly what he was doing- much like a cat, he was scenting the air.

I didn’t understand. He could have just asked me to scent the air; my nose was much better than his, even if he used his little ‘ability’.

His hand around my head loosening, Blake visibly relaxed. Gently pulling his hand away, I asked quietly, “What is wrong? What was it?” The only reply I got was a shaking head. I sighed, not even trying to hide my severe anguish.

I growled under my breath, “Fine, be that way. It’s not like I cared or anything.”

I heard a chuckle beside me. I looked up at him just as he said, “Heard that.”


Quite a bit of time went by before my sister came home. Fortunately for me, I had already prepped Wren about her.

“Y-you’re sure she’s not gonna come in here?” she stuttered, and I shot her a ‘you’re going to be fine’ look.

“Yes, I’m sure. We’ve been through this. She made herself a promise that she would never walk into this hellhole again,” I laughed, trying to get her to as well, but she was too scared. “I’ll be right back, okay?” She nodded, but it was almost impossible to miss her nervousness.

I hopped downstairs as quickly as I could. I couldn’t believe she was so late. Hey, there’s a first for everything! Like having angles in your room... I shook my head, annoyed. Val could practically read my mind. Every facial expression I had, Val could read it. I wondered what the ‘I’m hiding an angel girl in my room’ expression was like.

Walking into the kitchen, making sure I was quiet enough to escape my  sister’s perfect hearing, I snuck up behind her. In an incredibly loud and obnoxious voice(Val’s favorite), I growled, “Valerie Rose Natasha. Where have you been?”

“Out,” was the only reply I received. Her back was still turned to me, and I growled.


“At school, doing work.” Her head turned in my direction, and I could see a dangerous fire burning within her eyes. Too bad, I thought, while my eyes blazed even more dangerously. I crossed my arms stubbornly.

“Val, I’m gonna need more information than that. What were you working on?” I asked through gritted teeth.

I heard an exasperated sigh as my sister moved to face me. She spoke as she moved, biting out the reply- “My project, smartass. I told you about it.” She paused for a second, closing her now-scarlet eyes. Valerie started again, saying, “I told you this morning, retard.”

I rolled my eyes at her derogatory comments. “Bitch.” I turned on my heel and shot up the stairs. Jesus, that girl will be the death of me.

Either her or Wren, that is.

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