The List Part 3

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"I can't believe I did that! What the hell was I thinking! No, this can't be possible. No, it has to be a dream, a very life like dream. Things like this don't happen in real life! Do they?"

Craig smirked at me, as if I were a particularly amusing show, the whole time I was having a panic attack. It really wasn't funny, at all. I mean, yes, I am lonely. Yes, I am shy so I've never actually asked anyone out or agreed to go out with anyone before. And the one person I actually did say yes to turned his back on me when I needed him the most, the fickle bastard. Now I think I'll claim temporary insanity as to why I again took a chance on the sexy Santa. What in the hell had made me agree to go out with a guy I met for only ten minutes? I would willingly admit he was very handsome and charming. The dirty part of my mind had deviously conjured up images of him giving me a Christmas present in a very R rated way. I had fought a heated blush but, sadly, I failed epically since I had blushed almost the entire time.

I was flattered, very flattered, that the sexy Santa would want to go out with me. But for what? Sex? If so he was in for a rude awakening since I was a virgin and didn't plan on losing it any time soon. I knew it was impractical and totally cliche but I wanted my first time to be with a man I loved and who loved me. Yes, I was a basket case romantic when it came to my virginity. But still, it was important to me.

Oh god, what if he forced me? I almost panicked, almost. Until I remembered how gentle he was when he thought I was hurt and how he took time out of his day to bring a little Christmas magic to the children. The guy was a freaking millionaire and there he was dressed up as Santa, taking time out of his obviously busy day just to do something so silly. Then he talked about wanting a child. Even adopting a child since there were so many that needed a stable home to grow up in. It was admirable. And, yes, just about damn irresistible to me. Somehow that little fact just made my soft, romantic heart flutter madly in my tight chest like a hummingbird ready to take flight.

Surely a man like that wouldn't do such a low thing as to attempt to rape an unsuspecting person. He had too much class and had so much sophistication that it nearly oozed from him. Besides, the man was sex on legs. He did not need to rape anyone. If anything people would probably throw themselves at him just for one night.

Besides it was just one date. What possible harm could it do? While I wasn't a big man and wasn't as strong as I would've liked to be I could still land a kick to the groin, no matter that I would cringe each time I was forced to. I could take care of myself. Really, there was no need to worry.

When I looked up I found Craig's eyes locked on me with a sardonic smile.

"Finished freaking out?" He asked casually. Raising an eyebrow when I didn't answer he sighed. "Look, I know you're practically a hermit with how rarely you socialize but this is too good an opportunity to let go. He's a fucking millionaire Kyle and, sure, he probably could have models date him. But he wants you and not a anorexic model. Besides that he's posing as Santa when he could be working on doing whatever it is that millionaires do."

I still didn't answer.

"If it makes you feel better," Craig gave me a crooked reassuring smile. "Morgan Rothwell is known as a philanthropist. He constantly does things like dressing up as Santa. He also doesn't date guys one week only to have another guy in the next week. His relationships tend to be long. Until he finds out that they just wanted his money. So if you do date him, you can expect him to hang around a while."

That didn't really stop all my fears but it did ease them a bit. For once I was grateful for Craig's addiction to the magazines that featured all kinds of wealthy people. I hadn't known who he was until Craig told me about him after we had left.

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