The List Part 4

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I was freaking out.

I had watched the clock on the living room wall like a man possessed. It was getting closer and closer to the appointed time for Morgan to pick me up. Honestly, I hadn't thought I would get so riled up over this but I was. I was even panicking over how I dressed. Was I too dressy, too casual? I didn't know but I did know that I wasn't happy that I let Craig dress me.

Craig had raided my closet with a glee that was very nearly obscene. He had quickly found the tight, black leather pants he'd sent me last year and had found a red silk shirt that he swore would make my eyes glow. Next he had tossed my expensive snake skin boots at me far too carelessly for my liking.

The worst was what Craig had surprised me with last. A small plain black shopping bag that, at the time, hadn't seemed at all threatening. I soon found out just how wrong I was. In that tiny bag was the skimpiest pair of blood red lace briefs I had ever seen. It was peek a boo lace. My own face had flamed fire engine red when I had taken it out. It had taken almost thirty minutes just for Craig to convince me to wear them and another ten to work up the courage to actually put them on. Though I had to admit the lace felt sinfully luxurious.

"Relax Ky." Craig was lounging on my couch lazily watching an episode of Charmed. Why, I had no earthly idea. "You look absolutely fantastic and completely fuckable. If I was gay I'd do you in a heart beat."

Giving him an unamused look I huffed, "That doesn't help."

"Just be yourself," Craig turned his full attention on me and looked me from my booted feet to the top of my newly cut hair. "Honestly Kyle, I'm telling you the absolute truth. You look great! I think you should dress up more often. And when Morgan Rothwell sets his eyes on you he'll probably swallow his tongue, have a seizure, or just fuck you up against a wall."

Once again my face flamed in a fiery blush. The vivid imagery was tempting and had my shaft hardening. I was both pleased and mortified. Pleased that I might look that great and mortified that I wanted Morgan to ravish me on whatever available surface happened to be there.

The knock on my door had my blush fading quickly. I looked at Craig in panic. All he did was wink at me and gesture at the door while flipping his hand in a flirty wave, the bastard.

I took a deep fortify breath to calm my nerves before I opened the door. But it seemed that I needed a bit more time to actually prepare myself for what was waiting for me behind said door.

Morgan Rothwell looked so much better without his Santa suit. I was stunned at the transformation from jolly Saint Nick to a gorgeous sex god. He wore a tight black shirt that molded to his impressive muscles and dark stone washed jeans that all but fried my brain. His leather blazer was well cut and fit his broad shoulders to perfection. The best part, at least for me, were the distressed brown leather work boots. But that wasn't all. Morgan was holding a single red hibiscus flower in his large hand.

"Hi," Morgan greeted me with a sexy crooked smile that all but melted me into a lustful puddle of goo.

"Hey," I couldn't help but blush again when he held out the flower to me. Taking the beautiful flower I held it up to my nose to smell the fragrant bloom. "Thank you."

Morgan nodded, his smile growing wider into a grin as I scented the blossom. "Are you ready?"

Lord help me, but that question in that deep baritone voice took an R rated turn in my seemingly endless perverted mind. My mind conjured all sorts of sinful scenarios in which that question could be asked. The stifled laughter coming from Craig informed me that he too had caught on to the unintentional innuendo and that I was once again blushing.

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